Completing two years of life sentence !

Well, It does seem like we’ve been caught red-handed! But fear not, for we are not criminals, serving a life sentence. In fact, it has been a whopping two years since we willingly bound ourselves in the holy flames of matrimony, surrounded by our loved ones. We made solemn promises to stick together until our last breath, and so far, so good! No need to call the cops just yet. We’re just a (happily) married couple, living life to the fullest!

Oh boy, the past 2 years have been quite the rollercoaster ride! Can you believe it? Someone who used to be the life of the party, staying up till the wee hours of the morning and going on spontaneous trips, is now knee-deep in the wild world of marriage. It’s like a whole new universe!

Forget about work deadlines, now there are deadlines for something as basic as sleep! And don’t even get me started on the fashion show happening every time there’s a family function. Who knew marriage could come with a dress code? From late-night shenanigans to early bedtimes, it’s safe to say things have taken a hilarious turn. But hey, isn’t that what makes life interesting?

Marriage is an adventure that requires heaps of dedication, a pinch of luck, and a never-ending supply of patience and love. The ultimate partnership where you not only gain a lifelong companion but also a true partner in crime. Together, you’ll conquer the world and have someone by your side to share both the hair-pulling moments and the moments of sheer gratitude. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader, therapist, and stand-up comedian rolled into one package.

So if you are planning to get married anytime soon, buckle up and get ready for the rollercoaster ride of love, laughter, and maybe a few ghostly shenanigans along the way! Happy haunting… I mean, happily ever after!


About the Author

Shruthi Alva-Shetty

After spending a decade and a half in the IT industry(which felt like an eternity), I decided to break free from the shackles of monotony. A daydreamer, globetrotter, and clueless decision-maker extraordinaire. A read more...

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