I deserve some respect, Man

Dear Husband

I am writing this letter to you as a desperate wife who is in need of some respect and love from her husband. I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t know when things started to go wrong between us, but it feels like we have been drifting apart for a long time now.

I know that marriage is not always easy, and we all go through ups and downs. But I feel like I have been giving my all to this relationship, and yet I am not getting the love and care that I deserve. I have been feeling neglected and unappreciated, and it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s taking a toll on me.

I want to be with a partner who respects me, who listens to me, and who values my opinions. I want to be with someone who makes me feel loved and cherished, someone who makes me happy. But lately, I have been feeling the opposite. I feel like I am not important to you, like my feelings and needs don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t matter.

I understand that you have your own struggles and problems to deal with, and I want to support you in any way I can. But I also need you to be there for me, to be my rock, and to be my partner in this journey of life.

I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t want to give up on us, and I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t want to lose the love that we once had. But we need to work on this together, to communicate more, to listen to each other, and to show each other the love and respect that we deserve.

Please know that I love you, and I want to make this work. But I need you to meet me halfway, to show me that you care, and to give me the respect and love that I deserve.


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Hi, all . This was a fictional take on how a wife would address her lack of respect to her husband by a letter. If you like my blog show some love by ♥️ and comments. Thank You for reading.

©® Murshida Parveen 


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