Who Decides The Expiry Date Of A Woman’s Dreams?

I want you to know that the power of your conviction can take you to great heights, and don't let the world tell you otherwise.


“Who decides the expiry date of a woman’s dream?”

This line from the Malayalam movie How Old Are You? is the reverberating thought of millions of women and mine too. The movie has not ever left me from the moment I saw it.

So who defines the expiry date of a woman’s dreams?

Though the first thought may be parents or spouse or society, the reality is that we ourselves sabotage our dreams with rationalisation, self doubt and pity.

At 37 years of age, as I look back at my younger self, I can’t help but wish to put a hand on her head and tell her –

You are enough and you have always been enough!

Dear Dhanya,

Believe in yourself and don’t let your light drown to confirm to the standards that the society expects from you.

Go against the tide and take up that heartfelt desire of choosing Arts in your dream college and refuse to follow the herd to engineering.

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While you may grow status wise with the label of being an engineer your inner child will look at you with anticipation for the joy of literature that it enjoys.

Faraday replaced Jane Austen and formulas replaced your love for the English language but I know you crave to shine in the world of writing!

I want you to know that the power of your conviction can take you to great heights, and don’t let the world tell you otherwise. Be unabashedly in love with yourself and your flaws because they make you “YOU”. Don’t let the world tell you to bend or mend or pretend!.

For once dear me, believe that you can soar great heights and explore uncharted territories.

Image by Shlomaster from Pixabay

Be there for yourself!

Be there for yourself!

Don’t let being a Mother restrict you, confine you or change you.

Give your inner child a re-attempt at childhood, and see if your children bring back your zeal to be YOU!

Be You dear me, be YOU !

As for the present me, I thank you for finally listening !

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About the Author

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Dhanya calls herself an impatient inquisitive seeker. She is an engineer mom who has learned motherhood on the job and implemented techniques by reading innumerable books and through research. Through her blogs, Dhanya aims to read more...

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