Let’s Talk About Motherhood!

A question that an expectant mother often asks. A question that a new mother asks. A question that even a mother sometimes asks herself.

“Motherhood is a million little moments that God weaves together with grace, redemption, laughter, tears, and most of all, love.” – Lysa TerKeurst

What is motherhood?

A question that an expectant mother often asks. A question that a new mother asks. A question that even a mother sometimes asks herself.

Well, motherhood is a big milestone in a woman’s life. It is indeed a new chapter, and I hate to say it, but the most difficult job in this world.

In other words, motherhood can also be defined as an unknown strength in a woman, which she was unaware of until she had children.

Many women find a sense of meaning and purpose in their life. Having children is a blessing and showering them with love, passion, hugs, and kisses is a feeling that is out of this world.

The journey of motherhood is not an easy task

The motherhood journey is not a bed of roses. Sometimes it may be emotional. Some days may be very rough when you land up thinking that all you do the whole day long is feeding, napping, changing, and laundry.

It’s no doubt we love our children to eternity, but motherhood leaves us wanting things outside our homes.

Motherhood can be exhausting with waking up at odd hours and feeding the child, even when you swaddle the little one in your arms.

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All you think is that time is how you made this baby, and you cannot deny that the baby is truly yours. At times you may dream of what the future holds for them.

Different colours of motherhood

At other times, motherhood is trying to put your baby to bed at half-past twelve, as she is wide awake since she slept at an odd hour.

It can be annoying to read out Little Red Riding Hood for the nth time and wish that she would fall asleep instantly. And as soon as she sleeps you smother her with hugs and kisses- but are equally careful that you do not wake her up.

Motherhood also means cleaning up the mess your children create. It’s a cycle of preparing meals, and snacks, cooking, wiping the kitchen, and cleaning the dishes.

Once you are done with that- you have to clean muddy footprints and tiny jam prints on the floor and windows. Sometimes you even land up wiping sticky noses, smelly bums, and drying tears.

Motherhood is also cuddles, snuggles, and kisses. On rainy days it’s curling under the blankets and playing behind the pillow fort.

On sunny days it’s having fun and playing in dirt and sand. It’s like making memories, and then when they grow up, it’s going down memory lane to spend another moment with them.

Do let me know what do you think about motherhood? I would love to read about your thoughts!

Image credits: Pixabay on Pexels

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About the Author

Shubhra Rastogi

Well, about me I can say that I am a certified dentist, healthcare analyst, medical writer and above all a mother. I blog at NatkhatZ. read more...

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