Being Fat

It's ok to not to like your body, but loving life is mandatory! Let's keep working towards our goals, rather than obsess over size.

How do I embrace my body,

When I’m not comfortable with it.

Morning starts with stiffness,

Feels nothing but sickness.

Feet and knees cry with pain,

When my body puts it’s weight on them.

Don’t know if it’s lack of motivation or time,

I usually stop even trying.

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Diets bring depression,

Exercises nothing but exertion.

Food doesn’t taste good anymore,

But the body makes a big fat store.

No shirts, no dresses fit,

Not sure which size to hit.

Always feel tired,

Certainly, the universe has conspired.

Counting steps controlling calories,

Just adding to bad memories.

No BP, no sugar,

Still can’t make tummy fuller.

Crave to be smarter,

But can’t look in the mirror.

Stock up latest fashion,

Fitting in them is an everlasting mission.

Not sure which emotion dominates,

Sadness of failure or trust in fate.

Sometimes it feels no wrong,

Failures also make me strong.

On a lighter note,

Bigger the better.

And if you lose weight, you’re still a winner.

You don’t draw attention,

Still, get affection.

You’re never out of goal,

You have a purpose which is your heart and soul.

But all this is just a deception,

People around believe in this misconception.

They say I’ve become comfortable with it,

And it’s easy to get fit.

They don’t know how much I’ve suffered.

And I say it’s hard being Fat.

Believe me, I die every day trying,

And thus each day ends with crying.

Well, Life doesn’t end here,

And Size is not focus mere.

We have to see beyond it,

We have to be positive.

It’s ok to not to like your body,

But loving life is mandatory.

Let’s keep working towards our goals,

Let’s fulfill happily our other roles.

Being Fat is difficult,

But being nice is possible.

Being healthy is necessary,

But being happy is compulsory.

First published here.

Image credits from Pexels

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