Just Let Me Be

Stop pressuring and manipulating me to be the woman you want me to be. I know what I want and motherhood is my decision.

To everyone who says I’m wasting my professional degree,

Motherhood is beyond and above all degrees for me. Creating a new life and nurturing it, is the biggest gift and the biggest job for a mother, and that is something I’m more worried about not being wasted. The work I do as a professional can definitely be done by others and may be even better than me. So, I’m okay with anybody else doing my job. But, I know that nobody else can take care of my baby better than me. Hence, I’m not ready to share this responsibility with any nanny or daycare.

To everyone who asks, “So you do nothing now?”,

I understand, maybe you wanted to say that I don’t earn money now. I agree to it without getting into details of how I’m managing numerous expenses without touching my previous savings. But, I do not agree that I’m doing nothing, though again I do not wish to go into details. But, I request you all to rephrase your dialogue of ‘you do nothing’ to ‘you don’t earn money’. While rephrasing, you will understand how insulting and hurting the phrase is, and I still believe there’s so much good in you which will definitely stop you from hurting anybody intentionally.

 To everyone who says, “You have no place in this world if you’re not making money”,

Ask my little one. For him, I’m his invaluable treasure. Anyway, I agree with this phrase of yours too. But for me, I want to make money to fulfill mine and my family’s needs and wishes and not for the world to do my valuation.

To everyone who says that I should not be ignoring my own dreams,

First of all, thanks a lot for being so concerned. But, please be aware of my dreams first. I’ve always dreamt and wished for being with my baby, at all times he needs and wants me, for seeing his first smile and many other smiles and laughs, for comforting him whenever he cries, for breastfeeding him till the time he likes, for training him to achieve his daily milestones, for keeping him safe and happy on my own, and the list goes on. Hence, I’m clearly living my dreams.

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P.S.: To all who are reading and maybe getting offended: “my views, my ideas, my thoughts, applicable to my life only”.

Image credits Pexels

First published here.

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