Fighting Against Patriarchy, One Step At A Time

Over the years women have convinced the families, compromised, sacrificed and even fought to give the freedom that we are enjoying today.

Over the years women have convinced the families, compromised, sacrificed and even fought to give the freedom that we are enjoying today.

My mother never allowed me to work in the kitchen while growing up. She would always insist that I study, and she would take care of the domestic chores even on the days she fell ill.

My mother’s resolve to provide an environment that will help me focus on my studies has got a lot to do with her own dreams of an education. She wanted to give her daughter things that she couldn’t get.

Education and the empowerment that follows is something my mother struggled for in her early years. Perhaps this unfulfilled dream was etched so much in her brain that she never wanted to see me toiling in the kitchen, even for fun. She has attempted to not leave a remote chance for her worst fears to turn real.

I can certainly say that it isn’t just my mother but all the mothers of out there have done things to make their daughters lives better.

My grandmother did things in best of capabilities to make my Mom’s life easier than hers. Her fight was to let her daughter ie.. my mother have formal school and college education. Each generation has contributed and took steps to bring a positive change. Over the years women have convinced the families, compromised, sacrificed and even fought to give the freedom that we are enjoying today. Freedom to choose our careers, clothes, passions and partners.

My heart weeps when I hear someone mockingly say “Oh, feminist/feminism!” Sometimes when I speak of feminism they sarcastically raise an eyebrow, sneer and utter “Feminism and all.” I hadn’t said “chauvinist” or “sexist” or “racist” or “rapist” to deserve that abhorrence.

The word “feminist” that is supposed to bring positivity, strength and respect has been attached with shades of negativity now. And feminists are bucketed into a category. A category that is assumed to be arrogant, arbitrary, egoistic and abnormal. If voicing our opinions and being rebellious to patriarchal rules makes one feminist, then who isn’t? Just because you can’t see or some girls don’t declare, don’t assume feminists are aliens and are not living around you.

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You are born from a feminist, marrying one and procreating one.
Your great grandmother was a feminist.
Your grandmother was.
Your mother is.
Your daughter will be.
And so on.
Feminists from generations,
Fighting against patriarchy,
One step at a time.

Image source: Free-Photos on pixabay

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About the Author

Sindhura Ravulapalli

Sindhura is a musically-inclined management grad with chronic love for writing. Her eternal love for creativity and fine arts landed her into classical singing, painting and many more. When not weaving stories and hovering read more...

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