Look Out For The Subtle Hints Of Conditioning

Colours, toys, clothes and words are so deeply gendered that they're used to define for children what their lives should look like.

Colours, toys, clothes and words are so deeply gendered that they’re used to define for children what their lives should look like.

We were in Denver, Colorado in the US for Thanksgiving. We decided we’d  visit some model homes because it was snowing we had nothing else to do and because, why not? There is no harm to see what’s in the market. There’s always something new – energy saving technology, efficient appliances and gadgets, updated interiors etc.

I love model homes because I appreciate the amount of effort and money goest into decorating and staging the beautifully put together ensemble of wood, iron and fabrics.

I like exploring the kids’ rooms. In on of the houses, you enter the room and are instantly drawn to the pink and white bedsheets and the lilac vases with lilies in them. The sheer curtains are complemented by the painting that says ‘dreamers’ with unicorns and llamas. It’s indeed a dream room and you know for sure it’s a girls room, right?

And then there’s the blue and green room with rugged interiors and a big painting with ‘born to lead’ or ‘adventure is life’ painted on it.
You know for sure the room is styled for a boy.

It’s not about the colours  that affect the conditioning of a child you see. It’s alright to prefer pink over blue or vice versa. But the paintings speak volumes about how we want our kids to perceive life or pursue things.

The dreamer v/s the leader

Why is it that leadership is attributed to the colour blue and the dreamer to  pink?

Think about it. The next time you enter a model home, look out for the
subtle hints of conditioning.

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