Why We Say Yes All The Time And How To Stop Doing It

Do you fall into the trap of saying 'Yes'  all the time even though you want to say 'NO'? 

Do you fall into the trap of saying ‘Yes’  all the time even though you want to say ‘NO’? 

Most of the time we say Yes because we don’t want others to feel bad or don’t want to offend their opinions; this in turn sometimes can lead to various problems i.e. financial, emotional, or the peer pressure of completing the task/work. With this condition of saying Yes always, people get the chance to manipulate and exploit our humanity.

The most powerful and influential words in the world are Yes and No. Some people say Yes only when they are determined and can give their full efforts, energy, and creativity to complete the task; whereas, people who often say Yes just to please others, often don’t understand the kind of commitment made and end up spending less time with their loved ones or doing something insignificant.

Time is the most valuable asset and we must not waste it gratifying others besides ourselves. There are numerous reasons where a person experiences difficulties in saying NO. Here are 3 major reasons.

Fear of criticism or rejection

Fear is one of the major reasons, arising from anxiety, we fear that saying No will lead to being criticised, rejected, and we fear losing someone close.

Belief in pleasing others

Since childhood, we all have been educated with the belief of pleasing others by making them happy, being nice to others, never saying no if somebody asks for favours…which has vacuumed us into an emotional ditch. 

Lack of self-confidence

To be in someone else’s good books, we follow others’ footsteps and patiently bear the consequences which affect our self-esteem and capabilities.

We all know that it’s difficult to say No but if we want to create our boundaries of healthy relationships and happiness, we must learn the art of saying no gently.

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Here are some of the essential tips to saying NO

  • Whenever you make up your mind to say NO, do it in a polite way; maintain eye contact, and try to be firm in your body language – that will boost your confidence and conviction.
  • Be very clear that you are saying No, so that the person cannot pressurise the matter and put you in an awkward situation of saying Yes
  • If you are not sure about your decision, ask for time. This will help you to evaluate your decision and help you understand that No should be said only when it is needed.
  • Finally, be firm with your response and make sure not to be rude, and leave things on a good note.

Remember, saying NO protects you from diversions and helps you stay focused. These words are the lever of your life; apply them wisely and you gain prosperity. Apply them with carelessness and you claim dejection!

First published here.

Image credits AmazingMikail/Getty Images via Canva Pro

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Shivani Gupta

A homemaker and aspirant graphologist by profession, Content writing is my passion, and blogs are my tools to display my exclusive thoughts, knowledge, and presentation. Looking for a bright career and a new dimension in read more...

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