Maybe She Is Good For Nothing For Others

It is high time, she understands that she too owns a unique place in between those thousand personalities.

It is high time, she understands that she too owns a unique place in between those thousand personalities.

Maybe she is good for nothing for others,

But how can she ignore it?

Damn! It is her self respect. No matter what others think.

Now it is high time..she must listen to her inner voice,

Others must understand that she too can have her own choice.

Why do they question her personality and integrity?

Are they even worthy enough to blot her dignity?

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When they harass her with an abusive tone and rough voice

How then does she accept this, after all, isn’t it a matter of her pride!

Gradually she also starts accepting what others think about her.

She doesn’t even feel like facing her favourite mirror.

She doesn’t understand what is going wrong with her.

How can she be the reason for every problem?

It is high time, she understands that she too owns a unique place in between those thousand personalities,

She can also think about her future and life, despite fulfilling her duties.

Maybe she is good for nothing for others.

Image Credits : Unsplash 

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Deepika Mishra

I am a mom of two lovely kids, Content creator and Poetry lover. read more...

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