4 Self Care Strategies Every Mompreneur Needs To Learn

Indian women entrepreneurs bear pressures beyond the work space and often lose themselves in the process. Here are a few self-care tips to maintain your work-life balance.

Indian women entrepreneurs bear pressures beyond the work space and often lose themselves in the process. Here are a few self-care tips to maintain your work-life balance.

While the pandemic has revealed a new dimension of entrepreneurship – the rise in the number of mom-entrepreneurs in India, such entrepreneurial ventures have also witnessed shutdowns at a high rate. A very prominent cause associated with these closures is the difficulty in maintaining a work-life balance among mom-entrepreneurs.

A few tips may come in handy to care for oneself in the midst of the various challenges that one may face.

Accept that you can not keep everyone happy

Mothers typically make an effort to help out the entire family along while also seeking to deliver beyond expectations at work. This places tremendous stress on a person and the mom-entrepreneur ends up compromising their own health. Finally, deteriorated health brings on anxiety and compromised work quality leading to a complete chaos. Many under such pressure call themselves  “bad mothers” or “inefficient entrepreneurs”, and so, decide to dissolve their venture.

Do not miss your ‘me time’ everyday

A time to reflect, a time to just think, a time reserved  for oneself is a must for every mom-entrepreneur. Even if it is just for a few minutes, take the time out before diving into a high paced work routine. With all the roles of being a mother, a wife, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, an entrepreneur-” me-time” is key to boost one’s self- esteem and morale.

Pamper yourself, it’s absolutely fine to do so!

A typical role that we all take up is to be one who provides care and nurturing. But sadly, we are all not blessed with people to pamper us, care for us or even at times manage all our requirements. So it’s time that we start pampering our own selves rather than waiting for others to do the same.

Forget that your unsaid expectations will be understood

Amidst life’s challenging situations, we may worsen our own conditions when we start expecting that our unsaid demands would be understood and fulfilled. Be it for a small favour of asking for a glass of water or getting some peaceful hours of sleep after a hectic day, we need to speak up for ourselves.

Our society lives with a preconceived notion that women have a responsibility to understand the needs of all in the family and at the same time it is their responsibility to fulfill them. It’s time we need to assert that we too deserve to be understood by others. But for that to happen, at our individual family level, we need to voice out what we want.

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The above mentioned self-care tips are some which we all know, but fail to accept that these are practically feasible. However, I truly maintain that taking a step towards trying them out is what we need. So let’s not wait for the situation to change; rather, let’s take small steps to make the change happen ourselves.

Image credits: Fizkes/Getty Images via Canva Pro

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