Tips To Augment Concentration In Primary School Age Kids

It is not easy to prolong concentration in young kids. Here are some tips to increase their attention span and help your kids use their time effectively.

It is not easy to prolong concentration in young kids. Here are some tips to increase their attention span and help your kids use their time effectively.

Every parent comes forth with this interrogation, even though their child is topping the class. Children are blessings and we should appreciate them. In today’s era of antagonism, each parent wants their child to excel in not only studies but sports, or any other activities they come across. Schools and homes are no less than a battlefield for kids and their parents too. I have seen parents spending a thousand bucks behind a simple project of school just because they wanted their kid to stand out amongst others. Kids in this hassle of race have lost their concentration power and are lagging back. Here are few tips on increasing concentration which have really worked out.

Do not empty the entire baggage at one go

Your kids are small and they need time to understand and learn the universe. Let them be themselves. Divide the bigger task. Cut it out small. Even when we want to learn bigger spellings, what we normally do is cut down the bigger ones into trivial words and pile it up at the end. Give them small tasks that will not distract them. It will also bring in back their interest in learning.

Understand you child

It is very vital to cognize your child and create a milieu that soothes them. Learn the way they grab the world and create ether that would help them bloom instead of shedding off. Parents today have no time in understanding their kids and they simply want their kids to be like other toppers or they try imposing things which they were not able to fulfill during their time. Apprehend your child and create a methodology which they would adhere to instead of hindering their growth.

Games and games

We want our kid to have a room full of games. Games which they would never play or they would never see. We want them to have every game available in the market. However, instead, buy games that would increase their concentration instead of games that would consume their valuable time. It is very tough for any parent to have their child sit in one place while completing their half a page home work. I hope you must have faced this. Make them play games like cross word, sequence and more concentration games.

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Take it easy

Child gets distracted easily. Over and above you would find your little brat remembering every minute detail of their school friends while you were making them do their homework. Children are naturally energized. They don’t need any energy drink to stay up the whole day. Take it easy while dealing with them. Don’t lose your temper because that will only worsen the situation.

Bundle of curiosity

Those little beings are little bundles of curiosity and all they want to know is everything around them. They want to keep on exploring new things all at ones. Curiosity would never make them to concentrate on one thing at a time. It is vital to increase their attention time and focus.

Gadgets are monsters

Gadgets are a hindrance in the growth of children. It will disable them and gadgets like computers, mobile have very high impact on the lives of children. It is nothing less than monster that has gulped the smartness of kids and is ruining the generation.

Give them challenges

Children love challenges so deal with them accordingly. Ask them to sit in a quite position for five minutes. Ask them to read one page without getting distracted for some time. Set alarms, timings and reward them for completing it sometimes and not always.

First published here.


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