I Can’t Work As My Husband Promised His Parents AFTER Our Engagement, And I Didn’t Know?

It is not only you who are doing all this. Almost every girl does the same. Why do you always create issues over your job and career?

It is not only you who are doing all this. Almost every girl does the same. Why do you always create issues over your job and career?

Neha was a confident, outspoken, and determined girl. She would always dream of herself accomplishing something notable and making her family proud of her. She was even doing really great in her field and was on the right track too.

But, then she got married to the wrong person, and everything changed. It was a turn that was neither happy nor positive. Her goals were left behind as managing her husband’s likes and dislikes took up all her time and energy.

Her partner never paid attention to her ambitions, and soon she began to realize that this family will never accept her as a working woman, that they will never support or permit her to continue her profession. Thinking over that she found herself in a deep dilemma.

If you wanted a housewife, why did you marry a working woman?

One day Neha decided to ask her husband if he always wanted to marry a girl who would handle all the household jobs and look after his parents then why did he marry he?

After discussing, rather arguing on this topic she got her answer that left her numb and heartbroken totally…

Her husband said in a very light and casual way, “It is not only you who are doing all this. Almost every girl does the same. Why do you always create issues over your job and career? I earn pretty well and I think its enough for all of us. Moreover, I have promised my parents that their daughter in law would do only household jobs, and they don’t need to worry about it at all. She will do everything as per what we want. I forgot to tell you because we decided on all this post engagement.”

This was not what she had dreamed for herself

Neha wasn’t in a situation to accept what her so-called life partner has actually said. And how could he say all this so carelessly? Her husband’s very casual answer reminds her of their very first meet. when he pretended to be a very gentle and supportive person. But, that was just not the reality.

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On the other hand, Neha was born and bought up in a modern family wherein her close ones always believed that it is completely okay for a woman to be career-oriented.

“Almost everyone has the right to chase their dreams, and the right man will always support what you are and what you want to be… and will never restrict you for doing or achieving anything,” they had said. But, unfortunately, Neha’s situation was the opposite. An awful reality where career and dreams were nowhere in the picture.

Image source: a still from the film Life in a Metro

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Deshmukh Renuka

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