I Have A Dream, But I Can’t Breathe

George Floyd. His last moments will suffocate the world forever. All he wanted was some air to breathe. To get back to his loved ones.To get back to his beautiful life.

George Floyd. His last moments will suffocate the world forever. All he wanted was some air to breathe. To get back to his loved ones.To get back to his beautiful life.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!” Thus said Martin Luther King to his people. He revolutionized their thoughts.”I have a dream” became their new mantra. 56 years later his people chant a new mantra. “I can’t breathe”.

George Floyd. His last moments will suffocate the world forever. All he wanted was some air to breathe. To get back to his loved ones.To get back to his beautiful life.

For his partner he was a soul mate who lifted up everyone’s spirits. For his colleagues he was a caring man who walked people to the safety of their cars during night. For his old classmates he was a gentle giant. For all who knew him he was a beautiful spirit who wouldn’t want to see anyone in tears. Now he has left the whole world in tears.

He Begged For His Life

He begged for his life but the system kneeled on his neck. He pleaded for air but was pinned to death within 8 minutes 46 seconds, in a country which was once led by Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King and Barack Obama. Because he was black. Just because he was black. What should the black be telling their young ones? That they might be kneeled on neck anytime? That they will be pinned to death within minutes? That air to breathe is a luxury for them? That they can’t dream?

Black lives matter. They need to breathe.

Image Via Pexels


About the Author


An HR Professional. A writer by passion.

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