Outside My Window #LOCKDOWN

What do you see outside of your window during this lockdown when you have to stay in your home all the time to keep yourself and everyone else safe from the pandemic.

What do you see outside of your window during this lockdown when you have to stay in your home all the time to keep yourself and everyone else safe from the pandemic.

Outside my window
Birds are chirping
flying high in the sky,
unraveling the mysteries of nature
having the spirits sky high.

Outside my window
Soldiers are doing a drill,
they are the one who save the nation
with their strong will.

Outside my window
Health workers are serving the nation saving the country by giving their portion.

Outside my window
There is no pollution to greet
there are lush green trees and a clear sky
like mother nature is having a treat !

Outside my window
I see a pollution free and peaceful town
as there is a complete LOCKDOWN.

Image Source: Pexels


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