In Covid Times Who Loves You the Most?

We hear of painful and lonely final moments of dying patients and also the decision of their families not to pay last visit to them in hospital due to fear of their safety, in spite of calls by the hospitals. It makes me wonder, who cares for us the most?

We hear of painful and lonely final moments of dying patients and also the decision of their families not to pay last visit to them in hospital due to fear of their safety, in spite of calls by the hospitals. It makes me wonder, who cares for us the most?

Who loves you the Most?

There is popular story of a caring mother monkey choosing self, rather than saving its baby at the peak of a threat to one’s life. What do we understand from this, in the present context of corona pandemic? We see visuals of dead bodies being dumped in mortuaries or in mass burials in the absence of their loved ones. We also hear of painful and lonely final moments of dying patients and also the practical decision of their families not to pay last visit to them in hospital due to fear of their safety, in spite of calls by the hospitals.

On the other hand, how would a patient take this sudden isolation from the all the support system, that too at these final moments of his/her life. Normally, we are accustomed to the social network as, most of us live with our loved ones, share joy, sorrow, tension, stress, et al as a community all through the life. But, unlike other forms of hospitalization or death, this virus attack demands isolation from the initial stage till the death. This is something shocking and unbearable for an ordinary human soul to fight it out all alone, that too, in front of hesitant strangers in the form of health workers. What is that we lived all these years for? That in a fraction of time, we have become ‘untouchable’ to the rest, as we are treated at distance and even the body is not grieved or donated for future use.

In this context, what do we, the healthy outsiders at this moment, understand from the heart-breaking experience that these fellow humans are going through? From all the statistics of this pandemic deaths, it is quite clear that the lack of immune system among people of all ages, especially old people and people who are already sick due to some other illness, are prone to this virus attack. For, the symptoms of this pandemic namely, severe cough, fever and breathlessness, and the corresponding treatment too, like strong medications injected to fight it out, can be endured by a healthy body only. So, this pandemic can be fought back by a healthy body with strong immune system.

So, what are our takeaways from this? Firstly, love yourself. Love your body. Take good care of it with healthy habits. Because, your body is the only sole companion which will be with you till your last breath. Others, however good they might be, will forsake you at the most important moments of your life, due to their own constraints. But, if your body is healthy, it will fight it out for you as much as it can.

Moreover, it is important to recognize the correlation between ‘a healthy body’ and ‘a healthy mind’. We have many instances of people miraculously surviving from their fatal physical illness through a sheer healthy mindset. So, clear your mind from all the garbage, and also burden from unnecessary expectations from people and life. If you are able to think beyond the advertised world, our basic needs are extremely simple and inexpensive. On the other hand, our higher needs are too many to keep our body and mind busy in this short and uncertain life. Sadly, we ignore these higher needs of human existence and waste our life in the ocean of enlarged basic needs.

But then again, to shift from basic needs to higher needs, one needs a strong will power and a healthy body to support. And we don’t have enough self-actualised gurus to guide us in this path. So, on a self-help drive, concentrate on nourishing a healthy body and a healthy mind. Again, none can love you as much as you can love yourself. So, connect your mind and body, don’t allow it to alienate from each other. Take a journey within and come out a strong individual after this pandemic goes away. Become a new you, who is self composed amid any crisis.

Image Credit: Pexels

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About the Author

Jyothi S

Dr. Jyothi, Assistant Professor of English, Tumkur University. Has been a teacher of English and also soft skills trainer, with special interest in writing poems, articles, short stories and translation both in Kannada and English. read more...

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