Peace For Me

What is peace to you? Sometimes, it does seem to be the beauty in our surroundings and the joys and triumphs of everyday life.

What is peace to you? Sometimes, it does seem to be the beauty in our surroundings and the joys and triumphs of everyday life.

The chaotic din ends, is overtaken by lassitude.

The veil of the dark descends, extends quietude.

Drooping in on the gossamer wings of the fireflies-

It embraces the crepuscular solitude that now lies.

The fiery orb sinks, hides under the sky’s hemline.

The choral cacophony of birds dies down, in time.

Serenading the laconism of the caliginous night,

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The crooning katydids and cicadas remain quiet.

The cattle, in languid stupor, amble back to the byre,

The denizens of the day settle down, they now retire.

As night steals over the shades of the day, they sigh!

They surrender their hues to the dark spreading nigh.

The empyrean moon in the garden of stars, ascends.

The misty wintery night creeps in, its claws it extends.

Homeward bound all scurry, hurrying to their abode,

The weary day sighs, glad to have shed its heavy load.

As the day unwinds, segues into the obscure eventide,

Solace shrouds, sleep beckons shyly like a new bride.

I prepare, ready to leave my woes, sink into slumber,

For I know now that peace will not be put asunder.

Image Source: Pexels


About the Author

sonal singh

Sonal is a multiple award winning blogger and writer and the founder of a women-centric manpower search firm - Her first book, a volume of poetry - Islands in the stream - is slated read more...

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