Is It A Good Idea To Change Your Job During The COVID-19 Lockdown Period?

We're learning a new skill - Change Agility - as we struggle through this lockdown. We're building a critical 21st century skill. But is it the time for a change in jobs?

We’re learning a new skill – Change Agility – as we struggle through this lockdown. We’re building a critical 21st century skill. But is it the time for a change in jobs?

The new Financial Year has begun. And I am curious to witness the changes this current Lock-down is going to bring in our lives.

Yes, we all had different plans to improve our businesses, career choices, project closures. Right? Our lives are turned upside down, but I am proud to see that we have majorly learnt to deal with working from home, not having house-helpers support, team calls, global meetings within a week. Agree, we struggled for a week or so, slowly coping up and getting accustomed to the situation now.

Have you given a serious thought about what exactly we have become during this period? Yes, we are all building a critical 21st-century skill. ‘Change Agility’ is an ability to adapt to the change and act on it quickly.

Ok, let us focus on the key topic, a question, many ask me with concern in their voice.

Is it the right time to change my career now?

My answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No’…….

Is it confusing? Read ahead to learn what exactly I am talking.

I am focusing on my ‘Yes’ in this article, but about how to start working towards achieving the change.

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I feel sorry when people decide to quit as the manager is asking them to work on his/her presentation without giving any credit. You should be smart enough to reap an ROI differently. Understand and use this opportunity to shadow your manager and learn how the organization works. Remember, Money, Recognition or fame need not be the ROI all the time. We are going to face a similar situation in the new workplace too.

Let’s do some introspection here. Shall we?

Assess your reasons

Step 1: Why do you want to move up to a new job now?

Recently, I had completed assessing how soon my clients have joined a new job with my support. Almost 45% stayed in their position. You know why? Many times, one decides to change the job or a career for emotional reasons.

Let me share an example. One client of mine decided to quit the job as she was handling some personal issues, and she was not able to perform well or take up new opportunities. An hour’s conversation led us to understand that she had never said ‘No’ to things. She agreed for all the responsibilities dumped on her at home as well at work.

There are subtle ways you can communicate with your peers, managers about what is happening in your life and see how you can manage. She also realized having a supportive workplace which she missed to see all these years.

Here, I am not asking you to ‘adjust’ to the existing situation but ‘assess’ the right reason. Let’s do some root-cause analysis here. Do not take any decision based on your assumption or without having a meaningful conversation.

What does it mean? It is time to look at your Interpersonal skill, Communication skill, assertiveness to be precise and EQ.

Positive ‘Me Time’

Step 2: Let’s figure out how to get some ‘Positive Me time’ for this introspection

Step 1 might look simple but not easy. ‘Thinking about a situation’ in a 3rd person viewpoint, especially if we are confused and emotionally disturbed is very tough. That too, when we are all working from home.

Let’s focus on bringing some positivity around us first. You can do some simple things like ‘dressing up’ well as if you are going to the office even while working from home. You will see a significant difference in the way you feel positive. Create a schedule and work on ways to engage children at home. Seek help and let others help you by not finding fault. Allow others to make and correct mistakes while sharing responsibilities at home. Let’s follow some critical work from home etiquette here, Shall we?

Now, you will get the ‘positive Me Time’ that you always wanted.

Write it down

Step 3: Relax and Record

Take a notebook, a pen or a notepad on your phone. List down the reasons why want to change the job. Note down the names, if people are the reason for you to change the job. Note down the situation that put you in this mindset. Assess for ways how you can challenge this challenging situation by making particular changes in your communication or perception.

Yes, this is the right time to assess your Emotional Management Quotient. Emotional management is nothing but how aware you are about ‘yourself’ and ‘about others.’

Writing them down will give you a better perspective on various people, their behaviour, situation, and your reaction. Are you communicating your wants, needs, feelings and views in the right way? If not getting clarity, I am sure this exercise will help in defining the problem. Agree?

Stay, or Move Away?

Step 4: Prepare yourself for moving up the Career Ladder

Yes, based on the answer you receive after step 3, it is high time you start working towards your career growth.

If you have decided to ‘move away’ from your current company, start your research towards the new role, new company, new industry that you have in mind. Check their website for open opportunities. Talk to people about job openings in the current scenario. Do not just rely on the sources available online. Study the job descriptions, prepare your resume, update your LinkedIn profile and start working on interview skill development.

If you have decided to ‘stay’ with the same employer, well, ‘now’ is the time to look for the next promotion. Do not worry about when you are going to get it rather work on ‘how’ to acquire it. Assess your capabilities for the future role, write down the skills you need to upgrade, additional responsibilities that you need to take upon and how you are going to manage the changes. Create your profile keeping that role in mind; you can use it as a part of your appraisal process.


What do you think?

Image source: Shutterstock

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About the Author

Suba Lakshminarasimhan

Suba Lakshminarasimhan, popularly known as SLN, is the Personal Branding Strategist, Corporate Trainer and a Keynote Speaker. A founder director of SLN Brand Studio, Suba provides consulting, coaching and training solutions to Individuals and Corporate. read more...

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