Amma, Here’s your driving licence!

Motherhood comes with its many trials and tribulations. Yet, there are some heart-warming moments that one remembers for a lifetime.

Motherhood comes with its many trials and tribulations. Yet, there are some heart-warming moments that one remembers for a lifetime.

My driving license has gone missing. Till now, I am not sure whether I have misplaced it or lost it. I have been searching for it for the past two days in vain, but to no avail. I have dug deep into almost all the corners and drawers of my house, but all my attempts have been futile.

This generally doesn’t happen to me as I’m very diligent about my belongings. So, yesterday when I drove my car, my husband warned me about the dire consequences in case I was questioned. My almost 5-year-old daughter was listening attentively to all that was being said.

The search

In the evening, we decided to check at my in-laws’ place, once again, without much result. That’s when our daughter decided to budge in, “Amma, I know where you have kept your license!”My husband and I gave her a look, imploring her to divulge more. “Amma, you have kept it inside my toy cupboard”. I rolled my eyes in disbelieve.

Meanwhile, my husband thought he had got a golden opportunity to now shower me with some choice taunts. He smirked, while I responded back with a poker-face. We both took her back to our place only to find that she had bluffed. “Oh God, why did you lie about it Sia?” I glared at her.

“Just like that, I thought it was there. But don’t worry, “she responded back sweetly. She immediately went towards the study zone, took out a pencil and paper and started scribbling. When we asked what was she up to, she said, “Amma, don’t worry! I am making you a new driver’s licence. Don’t come near me, else I will get distracted.”

A custom-made driver’s license!

After about half an hour, she came running towards me and gave me this

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“Amma, here’s your new driving licence. If someone asks you about it, show them this and if in case they enquire where you got it, just confidently say someone made this for me. My daughter, she made this for me. And they will allow you to drive.”

An ode to motherhood

My husband and I had a hearty laugh at her innocence and confidence. ‘How sweet of her,’ we thought.

This post is for all the new moms who are currently going through the toughest phase of motherhood.

Just wait patiently for a few years and you will have plenty of such anecdotes to share with all of us.

Cheers to motherhood!!!

Image Source: Pexels 


About the Author

Vijeta Harishankar

Finance professional,an avid blogger. I write to keep the child in me happy and contented. Contributing author of the poetry anthology Nyctophilia.Children's book Airavata and The Femme of Animal Kingdom. read more...

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