Let The Queen of Hills In India Be Free From Garbage : Let It Breathe Like Before

Hills are the most delicate landscape on earth. Hills are prone to earth quakes and landslides. But the only thing that used to hold the hills are the trees.

“The Environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”- Lady Bird Johnson.

Environment is a surrounding where a person, animal or plant lives and operates and the importance of environment is felt by every living being. But in today’s world we have an environment, we have a mutual interest for environment, we meet there but the environment is not the same as it used to be some years ago. The environment is polluted now and no more a safer place now.

Waste is such as small word with only five alphabets but the effect that it has on the environment is tremendous.

Waste is not just an urban problem or just a rural problem. Waste is a problem affecting everyone irrespective of caste, creed religion, area, location etc. And the person responsible for increasing waste is we? By we.. I meant everyone of us.

I live in a beautiful hill station named Kalimpong in West Bengal. It is one of the beautiful gifts of nature. There was so much of greenery and the town used to be so clean and green. But just as the other hills stations, we also started running towards development and availed the latest technology to make Kalimpong faster and better but as we were developing we started generating waste more. Now the only thing we see here is “GARBAGE”. This town is no more like it used to be before. All the hill stations in India has one thing in common “piles of Garbage” and “waste”. The aesthetic beauty of the hill stations is fading slowly and we are moving towards the dark days now.

Hills are the most delicate landscape on earth. Hills are prone to earth quakes and landslides. But the only thing that used to hold the hills are the trees. But due to development there is a huge deforestation occurring in the hills and the piles of garbage has now taken a shape of landslide affecting thousands of people. This is what we want?

Is this the hill station you wanted? This is where you want to live your rest of your life?

The protection of Queen of Hills in India should not only be important but should be in a priority. The first thing that is required to let the Queen of Hills breathe is effective and proper waste management systems which can recycle or decompose the waste. This can be easily done if proper planning and management is done by the local authorities. The responsibility for waste management lies to the local authorities so a big question to the local authorities of every hill station is “What are you looking at or are you going to start working on it only after it’s too late?”

Let’s stop this now before it is too late. It’s better to try now than to cry over it later.


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