The Power Within

A poem which talks about the enigmatic powers of women. Read on.

A poem which talks about the enigmatic powers of women. Read on.


We are not made for customary lives, my sisters,

We are made of the shimmers and sparkles of the heavens and the lost worlds!

We have a thirst for spectacular moments each day, those enough to fill our insides with wonder.

We chase our dreams daily as the life is not easy.

The right questions are to be asked and the answers to be soaked in by your soul.

This is how we breathe, my love.

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The mundanity of life is shattering.

It smashes against our sparkly soul as a glass breaks on the pavement.

As the glass breaks into smithereens, our spirit is pounded daily.

Now you see my sisters, we are made of the stardust and fashioned after the fays,

we run by the moon and draw our powers from the Universe.

Sadly so, we are encircled by those who love to snap our spirits.

They are drawing life from us! But, we are boundless…

Don’t we love snipping the barbed wires with which they tried to bind us?

With this, I ask for peace for us, a sky full of sparkles, a bed full of roses and arms full of love-

This is what I want, this is my wish.

Image Source: Pexels

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About the Author


The author works as a Managing Editor. She has previously published articles on mental health on various online platforms. She likes to write about mental health and anything which influences our lives. read more...

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