3 Life-Lessons I Want My Children To Learn From Me

A mother pens down 3 important life-lessons that she wants her children to imbibe so as to lead a happy and content life. Read on!

A mother pens down 3 important life-lessons that she wants her children to imbibe so as to lead a happy and content life. Read on!

Sometime back while reading an article, I came across a question that got me thinking. The question was- “What are the 3 lessons you want your children to learn from you?” Now that was deep! As a mother I have often pondered about this and there have always been quite a few things I would want my kids to learn from me and the elders over a lifetime- life’s lessons that we probably learnt the hard way. In fact, there have been many situations I have found myself in, thinking to myself, “I hope that at least my kids learn from this!”

But, if I were to pick only 3 of the most important lessons I would want to leave them with, they would be (in random order):


I have grown up, like most around me hearing the words, “you are brave and brave children do not cry” or “boys don’t cry.” I flinch every time that is said to my kids and cringe at the thought of it affecting their mental health in the long run. I want them to know that it is ok to cry! In fact it’s therapeutic at times. Every fall and every scraped knee will not lead to tears because as they grow older and more aware of themselves they will try to toughen up in front of their friends and strangers. But, there will be times, even when they are older and have kids of their own, when life as tough as it usually is, throws a curveball or two and all they will want to do it- stop and cry. It’s ok to do that.

It does not mean you are weak or soft. It only means that you are human and are coping and are tough as hell. I also realize that the pressure will fall on my son as he is a boy. But, my darling boy know today that you don’t have to pretend to be someone for the sake of this society. Continue to be your empathetic self and know that it’s ok to cry with wild abandon as it is to laugh!


Both my husband and I use the 3 magic words all the time – Please, Sorry and Thank you. I am hoping that the children adopt this habit by example and use it often too. These magic words help us feel gratitude, respect, kindness, forgiveness and sincerity. Relationships are better and stronger and people don’t feel like they are taken for granted by using these words. In fact, it has now become such a habit that we use them with all our staff all the time. It is our way of showing respect to them for all that they do for us. So, I hope the kids learn that these 3 simple magic words will make them feel better about themselves and make the people around them feel good too! Remember, these words don’t make you weak, or make the opposite person take advantage of your kindness. All it does is, it spreads happiness and proper manners. God knows how important that is in today’s times!


This is a tough one to learn and accept, and most adults find it difficult and at times impossible too. Most often it is our struggles and tough times that help us realize this and most importantly accept it and put it to use. As a mother I hope my children can learn this lesson from me instead of going through their own hardships to come to this conclusion. But in the end, I hope for their sake that they too make this lesson a part of their life. Life is definitely more positive, peaceful and beautiful with faith. Faith that things happen for a reason, for the best and patience to know that the sun will shine again. It’s a positive way of life and it goes a long way. It brings with it ever lasting peace and gratitude, which in my opinion is how life should be lead.

So, while I pen down these 3 lessons to share with my kids, my mind is buzzing with a million other things I want them to know. Things my experiences and mistakes have taught me, hoping to make life a little more simple for them. But, somewhere deep down I know that they need to experience life for themselves too, make their own mistakes and learn from it, however hard that may be for a parent.

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Pooja Jagtiaani

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