No Guts No Glory: It Takes Guts To Be Happy!

Instagram stories and Facebook posts in the latter half of the second week of June were filled with this phrase No Guts No Glory on a Veere di Wedding poster saying '100 crores'.

Instagram stories and Facebook posts in the latter half of the second week of June were filled with this phrase No Guts No Glory on a Veere di Wedding poster saying ‘100 crores’.

I loved the phrase, instantly. Being gutsy is not everyone’s cup of tea, but these veeres did it. Well, this is a film about four girls taking simple decisions that don’t adhere to societal norms.

They did one thing.. they made themselves happy, only after having tried hard to keep the ones around them happy. Well, the movie apart, isn’t life all about being happy? And believe me, it takes guts to be happy.

No Guts, No Glory is like No pain No gain, similar yet different. Courage is the little sister of guts where everyone encourages you to tread the well-known path. Being gutsy is more than taking the road less traveled as mentioned by Robert Frost in The Road not taken. Don’t you admire the woman who slapped the street harasser? Of course you do! But you don’t have the guts to do it. Why? Introspect and find out. Write down the reasons and overcome them one by one. Because if don’t do what you want to do, you will do everything for everyone. That brings no glory.

Small acts define you and make you gutsy. Learning a new dish is courage but trying it out for the first time is gutsy. Learning to drive a car is courageous but going to an unknown destination on a rainy day in an emergency takes guts. Standing up for yourself on a tired evening and not going to that party is arrogance to some, but gutsy for me.

I agree the trend is changing but we still have a long way to go. The movie Pink differed and made its mark, now comes along this movie glorifying womanhood in a novel fashion. Listen to your gut feeling and change yourself, everything around you will change.

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Srishti Rajeev

Write Read Edit Read Write Post Repeat. Writing is meant for the writer and the reader. Once the reader reads the writing is complete. And a new topic is explored. My blog talks of a read more...

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