Kids & Day To Day Manners: Let’s See How!

Childhood is full of fun and happiness, a collection of small creative moments to cherish forever as wonderful memories.

Childhood is full of fun and happiness, a collection of small creative moments to cherish forever as wonderful memories.

How nice it feels that kids learn small things very easily, that we want to make them learn. Their toys should not be spread here and there. Their rooms should not be untidy, they should pick up their utensils themselves after having food, they should not need to be forced to brush, comb their hair, or wash their hands if spoilt while playing.

These tiny small things only make us feel the joy and happiness in a home. But kids should be encouraged to learn good habits its as it helps them to be independent as well as building in good etiquette in them.

So let’s know some good habits:

1) To keep their things in a proper way – When kids play as they like, spread clutter, let them play fully. But as parents we should make them learn to collect their toys and keep it at a proper place. This habit should be inculcated at an early age only, as this helps them to learn things easily.

How to make them learn – Since an early age, make a toy bucket for the kids, in which their rattles, squeezy, soft toys, & building blocks should be there. They would easily recognize their toy bucket & will learn where to keep it. We can’t make them learn by giving lectures or orders, the best way to make them learn is to do a race with them as to who will keep most of the toys early in a bucket. Kids love toys. The moment we will pick them and go towards putting them in a dustbin , they will snatch the toys & will keep them at their place.

2) Daily have a habit of brushing teeth in the morning & afternoon- Before going to sleep, a  habit of brushing teeth is important to make teeth healthy and gums too.

How to make them learn- It’s difficult for a mother to make kids brush their teeth daily in morning and evening. The trick of reciting a story about cavities & germs attack would be very helpful as it will make them learn the benefits of brushing their teeth .

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3) Whatever is being made at home , eat that only, especially green vegetables, dal, chapati & milk, curd.

How to make them learn – Usually kids love to eat French fries, parantha, potato chips easily instead of dal, chapati, vegetable . The best way to inculcate this habit is make them learn the habit of eating at the dining table. Feed them with your hands, especially on those days when their favorite food is not prepared. Many times kids like to play a lot , they run, let them play, they will be busy in playing & we can feed them the food. At least one day in a weak should be kept for kids, in which their favorite food should be made but with the condition that whole week he or she has to eat whatever has been made at home..

4) Doing the work on time. It is a good habit in making a child disciplined.

How to make them learn- It’s important to make the kids learn to value time. Get ready before time to go school, study on time , play on time etc.. But for this we have to be punctual first of all. When kids see their parents doing work on time , they will also adopt this habit . After all it’s parents from whom a child learns most. Buy some cartoon character shaped alarm clock & set the alarm. It helps a lot while going to school in the morning. Kids will be able to know that they have to wake up before the alarm beeps & get ready for school. It will be difficult at the beginning but the passage of time and a daily routine will help the child to learn.

5) Reading books in leisure time – By reading books concentration in a child is enhanced and they will not be affected by computer, mobile & tv.

How to make them learn- Always buy story books in both the languages – English as well as mother tongue. The moment child finishes reading one book note down the name at one place or place a sticker on that book. When kids complete 5 or 10 books give them a treat like chocolate, Ice cream , burger or a small toy, this will motivate them. If possible try to arrange a story telling competition by inviting their friends. This will encourage them and will develop their speaking skills.

6)Obey the Elders and and talk politely with others, not throwing things here and there whenever in anger.

How to make them learn – If a child is angry & throw things, or toys here & there don’t be scared & fulfil their wishes. Whenever kids do this ignore them & leave them alone, they will be fine after sometime. Then make them understand things your way. Whenever they go to anyone’s home & pick up the things, then its your responsibility to stop them at that time only and ask them to keep it back at its place.

This will help them to learn good habits in a positive way.

Let me know what you think!

Image via Pexels


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