Stop Feeling Thrilled That People Call You ‘Perfect’ – Be Kind To Yourself Instead

We often don't realise it but perfection is a myth; we chase after it for so long that we forget our real selves. Don't lose yourself in this fantasy!

We often don’t realise it but perfection is a myth; we chase after it for so long that we forget our real selves. Don’t lose yourself in this fantasy!

If being perfect comes with the idea of sacrificing your self, sacrifice that idea itself

  • Value yourself. Your ‘Me time’ matters too. Get out to have inner peace and self-contentment. Why would you ever give up your hobby and passion just because you have no time left for yourself? How can any person value someone else when they fail to know their own worth?
  • Stop sacrificing your wishes just in case you seem ‘perfect’ to them.
  • It’s cool to be imperfect, well we all are humans and we all have our limitations, so do you too.

It’s okay to be ‘disliked’

  • In the struggle of making everyone like you, you somewhere will start disliking yourself.
  • It is not your job to meet everyone’s expectations.
  • This clearly states that you are striving to impress everyone around you at the cost of degrading yourself.

Give up the belief of ‘Multi-Avatar’

  • Do have mercy on yourself and stop exploiting your self. You’re a breathing soul just as everyone else here.
  • It indeed would be difficult seeing things not done properly but it would be worth it in long-term.
  • Let them do it themselves instead of you making them dependent.
  • Well, you aren’t born with the tag of an all-rounder.

Stop thinking yourself as the only option

  • Haven’t you taken yourself for-granted and convinced into believing that you’re meant for this?
  • Be kind to yourself as you are to others.

Image via Pixabay


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