Give It Time… Let Your Pizza Bake To That Crunchy, Gooey Glory!

Anything worthwhile takes time and patience. Don't rush things. Give it time, and things will work out. Let the pizza bake. Don't take it out when raw.

Anything worthwhile takes time and patience. Don’t rush things. Give it time, and things will work out. Let the pizza bake. Don’t take it out when raw.

In conversation with one of my friends described something just like his wingman, a man called Barney, does.

He said “LEGEN…

…Wait for it…


I am sure that you know this word. But did you notice something?

In order for the ‘legendary’ to complete and effective as a declaration, you have to ‘wait for it’.

We keep on doing things. And yes, that’s what we are supposed to do: Hard work with full dedication. Most of the times, we overthink and anticipate the results. We worry about things not happening in a way we want them to. But somewhere we forget that everything takes its own time in order to be perfect.

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The Pizza analogy

Just think of a pizza being baked. You prepare the dough for it, make toppings, add lots of mozzarella cheese to it and then season it with herbs. What do we do then? Do we eat it right away, raw?

No, that would be quite an unappetizing thing!

In order to have a perfect and the most delicious pizza, you need to bake it in an oven for the minimum required time. You need to “Wait for it”.

During the time when your pizza is being baked, lots of people would come to you and trouble you. Tell you that your wait is worthless. They might try to persuade you to take your pizza out of the oven even though it’s not baked properly. And you, under their influence, will take it out. Those people will move on, but you would be left with that uncooked pizza.

Being bothered during that time would be inescapable. But what you need to do is listen to yourself. Wait for the crust to turn golden and the cheese to melt. Wait for your pizza to bake.

So don’t worry if things are not working out right away and you aren’t able to achieve something at the first shot. Eventually, you will learn and succeed. Because along with the right recipe, it’s the time that your pizza would require to bake. And when you’ll taste that slice of your baked pizza, you’ll realize that that wait was worth it. In fact, it was all you needed.

And then we, my friend, will together enjoy the slices of your perfectly baked pizza.

That is the day I am waiting for. The day when my friend would have made it “legendary”!

Published here earlier.

Image source: pixabay

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