These 5 Workplace Hacks Will Make You Feel Much Better About Going To Work!

We may not be able to change everything we dislike about our jobs, but these simple workplace hacks will help you cheer yourself up at work and make for a cozier office!

We may not be able to change everything we dislike about our jobs, but these simple workplace hacks will help you cheer yourself up at work and make for a cozier office!

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”, said Confucius. However, there are a vast majority of people who are unable to land their dream job. The pressure of making ends meet, supporting the family or self financially often lead people to accept positions that enhance the bank balance but detract from their emotional happiness.

At such times, people are often caught in a scenario in which they do not look forward to another day at the office. The prospect of interactions with co-workers makes them wince and they find themselves dragging their feet to work. They feel morose and demotivated in the office environs. The prospect of another day at the dreary desk tends to prey upon the mind and affects not just the mood but also the social dynamics. This often results in a dip in productivity.

So, is there something that can be done to make the day brighter? Can such people try and perhaps elevate the things around them to a level in which they seem pleasing? Can they make small changes a.k.a workplace hacks in order to enhance the appeal of their workplace?

Maybe the following workplace hacks can help at such times to reduce the drudgery of the job and enhance the appeal of the workplace a little.

Personalize/accessorize your space

Fill your desk/tack board with happy and smiling photos of your family. If you love pets, then put up a photo of your pet romping about. The trick is to tack happy photos of friends and family on the board so that they make you feel happy. Rotate your photos and add or remove them periodically to keep your board looking fresh. Include snaps of vacations, eating out and other times which are happy memories for you. You can either make a collage of the same or individually tack up each photo.

You can personalize the home screen of your laptop or desktop in a similar manner. You can even go a step further and have personalized mouse pads or mugs made for your desk. It’s an equally neat workplace hack to put up small posters or prints of inspirational quotes that you like.

You can add statues or other items to make your workspace more homely. If you have children, bring in drawings or art done by your child and tack them up.

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Go green

Get a desktop live plant. Succulents are great for desks and do not need much upkeep. They are easily available at the local nursery on even online. You can also choose to go with a miniature shrub or bonsai. Just remember to water your plant periodically. A low maintenance plant like bamboo is also a good idea. If you love flowers then ditch the green plant and instead get a vase. Fill it with fresh cut fragrant blooms like roses, jasmine etc every couple of days and enjoy heady scent.

Be organized

Organize your workspace and day in order to maximize your productivity. Every morning, first thing, create a checklist of things to do and throughout the day, work towards accomplishing the tasks. Be neat & avoid clutter. A cluttered workspace detracts from productivity and also can be a great irritant for yourself and your co-workers.

Add colour

Spruce up your work station by adding colourful sticky notes, colourful binders etc. Sitting at a drab desk and looking at dreary files, all day long, can be dull and boring. So, add pops of colour, wherever possible whether it be in your filing, your notes, your stationary, your pens/pencils/markers or even your garbage bin. Take inspiration from when you were a child and loved colourful things.

Use a personalized mug for a pen/pencil holder or get one with an inspiration quote that you love. You can even bring in something that your child designed in a school project as that will always make you feel connected to him/her. You can use fun magnets or imaginative tack pins to liven up your board. Be imaginative and creative. Your space reflects your mood so keep it colourful and lively.

Be comfortable

Nothing irritates more than sitting in an uncomfortable chair all day long. So, ensure that your office chair is comfortable. Add a quirky cushion and floor mat under your desk to liven up the space and also make you feel comfy.

What are your go-to workplace hacks? Share in the comments below!

Top image via Unsplash

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sonal singh

Sonal is a multiple award winning blogger and writer and the founder of a women-centric manpower search firm - Her first book, a volume of poetry - Islands in the stream - is slated read more...

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