10 Things Our Readers Would Like To Learn, If Given A Chance

We asked you, our readers, if you could learn one thing today, what would it be? Here are some of your answers.

We asked you, our readers, if you could learn one thing today, what would it be? Here are some of your answers.

Learning knows no limit. Despite the age and time you are in, one can always keep expanding one’s repertoire of skills and knowledge. Learning is also about rediscovering yourself every day. The pursuit to know yourself and the world around you is bound only by your eagerness to explore.

If you look around or look inside yourself, you will always find there is more room to discover. From learning how to drive a scooty at the age of forty five; or trying to accept your greying hair as part of your beauty; or simply learning to live alone in a new city as you start college; there is no end to what you can learn from life! Is there anything new that you want to learn at this stage of life? Probably something you would like to change about yourself or your life if given a chance?

At Women’s Web, we invite readers to share their thoughts on one interesting question that is picked by the team and posted on our Facebook page every Tuesday, calling it #TuesdayTalkies. We try picking questions that would interest readers and put them in their thoughts. Some of the best replies are posted in our next story and one of them also gets to win a ‘Women’s Web’ mug. Why don’t you try your luck in the next week’s question?

The question for this week was, “If you could learn one thing today, what would it be?” Here are 10 best responses from our readers.

Treat yourself without guilt

Learn not to deny yourself happiness. Treat yourself without guilt and stop putting yourself last on your To Do list …Because life is too short

Vrushali Junnarkar

Celebrate what you have

To stop comparing myself or my life to others and be grateful for what I have.

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Amandeep Kaur Pathania

All that matters is how well you loved and lived

The one thing that I would really love to imbibe and practice is, Empathy towards oneself and others. For, in the end, all that matters is, how well you loved and lived.

Kavitha T. Panyam

Your Mind is your only limitation

Learn that the only limitations are in my mind.

Kasturi Patra

Appreciate yourself

I would love to learn to appreciate myself first.

Somina Jain

Being Happy Like a Child

Learn to be happy without any reason…Just like a child.

Namrata Shah

Don’t let the world choke your voice

I would love to learn to voice my opinions with full confidence and remain unfazed by what the world thinks about me.

Anusha S Iyer

Fill yourself with positivity

Learn to kick negativity out and infuse positivity within myself.

Haripriya Madhavan

Be the change

Learn to be the change that you want to see in this world.

Arpita Subhadarshini

Believe in yourself

Learn to believe in yourself even in difficulties, you can achieve the heights!

Rupali Koushal

Image source: young woman by Shutterstock. 


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