9 Things That Our Readers Would Like To Tell Their Teenage Selves If They Could

We asked you, our readers, what you would want to tell your teenage self today, if you could. Here are some of your answers.

We asked you, our readers, what you would want to tell your teenage self today, if you could. Here are some of your answers.

From going gaga over a guy at school to thinking that clubbing is the only cool thing, we as teenagers would have done a number of things back then that make us feel embarrassed today. Well, everybody makes mistakes but as teens, I think our mistakes just get a lot bigger than anybody can think. That’s the time when puberty kicks you and there is a ‘I know it all’ feeling amongst most of us.

In a way, becoming an adult means leaving the world of your parents and starting to make your way toward the future that you will share with your peers. This process of being an adult is just taken too seriously by teenagers. Do you have any such moments that you feel embarrassed about? Probably something you would want to change if given a chance? An advice to your teenage self?

At Women’s Web, we invite readers to share their thoughts on one interesting question that is picked by the team and posted on our Facebook page every Tuesday, calling it #TuesdayTalkies. We try picking questions that would interest readers and put them in their thoughts. Some of the best replies are posted in our next story and one of them also gets to win a ‘Women’s Web’ mug. Why don’t you try your luck in the next week’s question?

The question for this week was, “What would you tell your teenage self if you saw her today?” Here 9 best responses from our readers.

Reach for the stars

I would tell her, ‘Hey, go out and live your life with zest. Travel as much as you can, reach upto the stars, be grounded firmly to your roots. Listen to your inner voice, be compassionate. ‘
Subhashree Ravichandran

Learn to love life

Be fit and healthy, Play sports, learn dancing/singing and pursue other hobbies.. Don’t think that school education (aka grades) is the only thing that matters.. Find your style, learn how to dress well, learn how to use makeup to suit your personality.. Enjoy the carefree teen years, don’t hurry up to grow up.
Deepa Akshay

Embrace the chaos

Don’t fear agony, ecstasy is waiting
Don’t fear change, it is inevitable
Don’t think somebody will save you, save yourself
Don’t overanalyze, take rest
Don’t think you’re weird, you’re becoming different
Don’t fight the system, beat the system
Embrace the chaos, become stronger and emerge like a phoenix in the sunlight.
Sowmya S Sundaram

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Don’t lose out on self respect

Self respect is as important for you as your single breathe so try to maintain it till death. The only ornament that you have till death is your self respect.
Rupali Koushal

Zarra Chill Maro

Take life less SERIOUSLY
Aditi Mishra

Different is Beautiful

You are different for a reason. Do not hide it, let it grow.
Deborah Winnett

Learn from your mistakes

I would say, don’t be too studious. Enjoy, travel to new places, go for adventure trips, learn from mistakes, don’t be too sensitive.
Mahathi Ramya

Follow your dreams

Whenever I watch this dialogue by Will Smith from the movie The Pursuit of Happiness, I wish someone had told this to me when I was a teenager. My life would have been completely different, to even a 360 degree change. So, I would tell my teenager self this: “You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can’t do it. You want something ? Go get it. Period.”
Haripriya Madhavan

Inner beauty

Not everybody look their prettiest in their sixteens and seventeens. You are a butterfly waiting to be out of your cocoon and once you do, it will be difficult to handle your awesomeness. So don’t freak out and don’t undetestimate yourself.
Swarnalee Dutta

Have a different advice? Comment below and let us know! You could also check our Facebook page to stay in touch with us and know our question for the next #TuesdayTalkies.

Image source: mother and teenage daughter by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Harini Prasad

19 // Mass Communications from Hyderabad // Aspiring journalist // Food and fashion lover read more...

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