Here’s How Every Home With Kids Can Have Safe And Fun Play Areas

Children need safe spaces where they can play. Find out how it possible to make such play areas inside the home, with small and easy changes.

Children need safe spaces where they can play. Find out how it possible to make such play areas inside the home, with small and easy changes.

Having two toddlers of my own and moving into new homes every two years…I get ample opportunity to switch the functionality of any space in my home to make it more kid friendly – or not. So after moving into our current home a few weeks ago I wanted to keep my children distracted from mobile phones, televisions…basically all things with screens.

That moment changed everything for me. I understood now that the reason my kids cling to me or my partner at all times was because we weren’t giving their energy and creativity an outlet. Once I managed to achieve even half of it, the kids stopped seeking our attention anymore. There is enough for them to do on their own.

With a spare room for the kids in this new home, I immediately converted their two beds into bunks. A climbing net to get on top. Suspending the hanging rod from the ceiling to double it up as a swing. I am trying to add some wall brackets for books too and some floor cushions for them to bounce on.


image source: shutterstock images

Children are the happiest in playgrounds, then why does it take so long to decide that we need to provide them with one inside our own homes so that doing a physical activity becomes a part of their daily routine. Why do we make things easy for them at home and hand them a tablet each so they don’t move?!

My girls love craft, dressing up, pretending to be teachers, fairies or their favourite princesses and hopefully this will promise them endless fun and excitement.

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image source: kids room by shutterstock



image source: shutterstock images

7 crazy fun things for any kids room and I can’t wait to use them all –

  • A large chalkboard wall. This can be simply, one wall painted as an accent, or paint the cupboard doors in chalkboard paint even.
  • Give them a makeshift stage in a corner with curtains, mic…et al. Double this up with a little playhouse in a corner or a bunk bed cum playhouse.
  • A real must have is a rock climbing wall. It’s so easy to do that you really must do this. All you need is a board and some climbing pegs to be bolted on. So many cheaper versions are also possible.


image source: shutterstock

  • Get a climbing rope and a slide on another end if possible. They will love it for as long as they outgrow it.
  • An activity table with at least 4 chairs for Legos, craft, colouring etc…
  • Create a reading corner with book shelves all around. Give a real library feel in their own homes.



image sources: kids room images by shutterstock

Let’s stop wasting space with big beds and just chuck a few mattresses on the floor if really needed. Let’s be fearless in giving our children access to such an adventurous room to go wild in. When they have such an awesome space to engage them all day … they won’t ask for more.

Hope you all have fun re decorating. Do drop me a comment for more tips or views.

Header image source: playroom for kids by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Priya Kapoor

I'm an interior designer taking blogging a bit seriously these days, with two kids and a husband and a life that ensures we travel a lot, it helps me keep in touch with my read more...

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