How Bhavi Mody Is Taking Mental Health Care To The Next Level With EduPsyche

Here is the story of an interesting startup called EduPsyche established by Dr Bhavi Mody and Dr Dhawal Mody, which deals with comprehensive mental health care.

Here is the story of an interesting startup called EduPsyche established by Dr Bhavi Mody and Dr Dhawal Mody, which deals with comprehensive mental health care.

Mental disorders which need the help of psychologists or psychiatrists are still viewed as a stigma in our society. People hardly ever accept that the situation can be similar to that of any other physical illness and most of them would not be willing to take a professional’s help for the same.

The founders of EduPsyche think otherwise. They started the venture with the vision of making mental health available, accessible and affordable to everyone. EduPsyche is cofounded by Dr. Bhavi Mody and her husband Dr. Dhawal Mody. They have over two decades of experience in mental health care domain as Dr. Dhawal is a Child and adolescent Psychiatrist pursuing his PhD and Dr. Bhavi has an experience in running an IT company and is a post graduate in Homeopathy.

What is EduPsyche?

Edupsyche is currently one of its kind in the mental health domain. They offer mental health care, along with IT enabled services, making it more accessible.

What made them start EduPsyche?

FOUNDER TEAM- Drs Dhaval Mody & Bhavi Mody

Founder team: Dr Bhavi Mody and Dr Dhawal Mody

Dr. Bhavi says, “It is the result of the journey travelled in the last two decades by me and my husband Dr Dhaval Mody. We have been into practice all this while and saw
1. Growing number of cases requiring intervention for psychological and psychiatric conditions.
2. Lack of initiatives and lack of providers in this domain.

We believe that every challenge is an opportunity. We therefore came up with the idea of Edupsyche.”

Services offered

EduPsyche has a comprehensive list of services that they offer and doesn’t end with just consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist. The services include

1. Mental Health Care – Health care for different kinds of mental disorders with respect to age
2. IT Enabled Services – Incorporating mobile apps like EduKonnect for schools to connect with parents in tracking the overall development of the child.
3. Learning Programs and Workshops

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Learning programs & spreading the word…

EduPsyche also provides online training programs, webinars for mental health professionals. They also undertake workshops for creating awareness about mental health in the society. Dr. Bhavi offers, “We did have a tough time when we approached people, but now, yes we have ongoing schedules for different workshops across the year! Through our existing network we have already been doing the following –

  1. Having conducted over 1000 workshops across schools in Mumbai for improving their life skills.
  2. Corporate workshops regarding sensitization on child sexual abuse.
  3. Addressing issues for ‘Premarital Relationships’ and ‘Stress and the Genx Adolescents’ for various colleges.
  4. Partner with Times NIE for creating Mental Health Awareness among Teachers, Students and Parents.
  5. Digitally haven written over 40 blogs on various mental health issues.
  6. Preparing Mental Health Professionals training over 100 interns across an academic year at our center
  7. Training over 150 Mental Health Professionals through our various courses, modules and Pearson Certification Programs and many more.

We believe we are now ready to address Mental Health Nationally.” They also offer counseling services like career counseling for students and marriage counseling for couples.

Gaining people’s acceptance

Given the social challenges, getting people approach them in need was the toughest part of the journey for the Mody couple. Dr. Bhavi reveals, “What was and still remains the greatest challenge for us is to create awareness and acceptance towards mental health.”

“We started working with this idea to de-stigmatise mental health, imparting right skills and training to mental health professionals and bridging the gap between Mental Health Professionals and those seeking Mental Health Services.”

“Even the app, EduKonnect aims at to ensure that right information would ultimately lead to shedding of myths and help parents develop right attitude towards mental health needs of their children.”

That is reason for their huge presence either in digital blogs or workshops/training programs, as it will help them bring about a change in people’s belief.

Mentagram – the ultimate goal

Mentagram - APP

Mentagram app

Dr. Bhavi says, “The biggest joy is yet to come and that will be when we launch our application next month, called, Mentagram– Mann ki Baat ab App ke Saath. We want our Mentagram to be the revolution in Mental Health Domain. This would be our leap ahead to make mental health available to all. This will provide and create a platform for connecting mental health professionals with clients across the country. Also the mental health information available here will eventually bring about an attitudinal change in people towards approach for Mental Health. Our goal is to ensure that we bring science to a field clouded by superstition. The goal is to make people more proactive towards Mental Health than being reactive to it.”

Routine & the passion that drives

Usual day at work for Dr. Bhavi starts with taking stock of previous day’s achievement and planning the day ahead with the IT team. She says, “The business development team works towards strategizing and reaching out to either perspective clients or sometimes meeting the needs of existent clients. My role, apart from creating business opportunities, and devising digital media strategies is also to provide instructional support to the IT team.”

Dr. Bhavi adds, “EduPsyche getting recognition on several online platforms makes me feel like a proud mother seeing her toddler taking baby steps and learning to walk. We have taken baby steps till now and created adequate space and ground to take off from here. Our initiatives have created ripples. Mentagram would be a comprehensive solution, and we are sure that will create a wave in Mental Health domain in India.”

She ends it with – “If you have a dream and aspiration, follow it and see it through till the end.”

You can check EduPysche at . Follow EduPsyche on FaceBook and Twitter.

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Images source: EduPsyche.


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Sowmya Baruvuri

Loves to click pictures, dance, cook, travel, craft, read and write! read more...

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