6 Great Reasons For A Woman To Be A Working Mom

A working mom can be the best role model for a growing daughter. Here are 6 great reasons for a woman to be a working mom.

A working mom can be the best role model for a growing daughter. Here are 6 great reasons for a woman to be a working mom.

It has always been a debatable topic whether mothers should work or take a leave from their career. Research says 43% of highly qualified women either quit their careers or take a break for a long period. Why ? Is her aspiration and ambition not important? Or was she not contributing enough in their organization? Or are her earnings not helping uplift the family ? Or is our society just gender biased and upbringing of a child is only a woman’s task, and bread winning is a man’s job? Or simply because having a working mother hampers the secured growth of the child?

There are a lots of “Ifs” and lots of “buts” and “valid reasons” as to why a mother should not work and the impact of a working mother on a childs psychology  but every coin has a flip side. The question remains  “Should Mothers work?”

And the answer to it is a resounding YES! …… Yes Mothers should continue with their jobs/ business after their maternity leaves. Here are some important and compelling reasons :

Working moms are the best role models for daughters

Daughter of a working mom has the biggest role model in front of her while she is growing up. She breaks the stereotype, inspiring her daughter to follow her dreams. Researchers from Harvard surveyed in 24 countries about the impact of working mothers on children and they found that daughters of working mothers have better qualifications, higher pay and more equal relationships.

Working moms make their kids more responsible

Working moms has to manage zillion of activities. With both parents working each family member has to play an important role in everyday life. In such a scenario children learn skills faster resulting into an independent and responsible individual.

Working moms create equality

The same research cited above says that adult men who grew up with working mothers spend 7.5 hours more on childcare per week and 25 minutes extra on household help. Also they are likelier to have wives who are employed as well , which in a way helps majorly in reducing gender inequalities both at home and at workplace.

Working moms manages quality time with kids

When moms are home they dedicate their time for kids and makes sure that she compensates on the amount of time not spent together. Kids also looks forward to spending time with their parents and not take their mother’s attention for granted as they know that they do not seek it round the clock.

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Working moms are more fulfilled and happy

A Gallup poll states that 34% mothers at home are suffering of depression compared to 17% of working mothers. Moms who are at home often do a complete job of taking care of all the needs of children and husband. If not appreciated, this is not only tedious but also emotionally gruelling. It can lower the morale of a mother who is a full-time homemaker. At times they don’t even experience the ‘dignity of work’ and it leaves them dissatisfied and resentful. Human beings thrive on recognition and our happiness hinges on being appreciated. A working mother can experience this at her work place, and accomplishing her dreams in life can fulfill her.

Working moms creates financial freedom and security

When both the parents in the family are working there is not only better schooling, activities and amenities available but also the future of the family is secured. Income from two sources always helps at the time of unexpected or unforeseen crisis too.

My Mother was always working and I can see no drawbacks because of it. Both my sister and I were good at academics and all extra curricular activities. She was always our role model and a rock solid support which helped us follow our dreams and pursue the career of our choice. I am an interior designer and my sister worked as creative head in television. Both of us are founders of 2 social Non-profitable organizations. My working mother has also made an immense difference during the times of financial crisis of our father’s business and not only fearlessly run the show but made us debt free.

Image source: working mom with laptop by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Charvi Mehta

I explore the world of creativity and social issues simultaneously. Interior designing is my career and Eklavya-you belong is my future. My tongue is like double edged sword but heart has no edge. I read more...

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