This Is How I Manage To Travel Often With A Full Time Job And So Can You

A solo traveler who loves to take off often tells us how she manages to travel so often even with a full time job.

A solo traveler who loves to take off often tells us how she manages to travel so often even with a full time job.

“You are taking off again??”

“How does your boss allow you so many days off?”

“You must be earning well to travel every now and then.”

Believe me I get to hear all these and many iterations of these every time I post a picture of the beginning of a trip. To set the record straight, let me tell you that yes I have a full-time job and yes I love to travel.

Some facts, tips and busting the myths here for all of you who want to travel and well, can’t quit the full time job as well.

 You really DON’T need to quit you job to travel

Unless you are looking at slow travel, in which case you can take a sabbatical for 3-4 months, go on a trip, come back and resume office. And unless you are very rich, you DO need money to buy flight tickets, accommodation, food (no matter how budget you go). So hold on to the job. Work those 5 days and earn money to make the best of the next 2 days.

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Put extended weekends to good use 

Yes, the deals are expensive and there is crowd everywhere. But be smart. You get your office holiday calendar at the beginning of the new year. Take a look at next 3-4 months, mark the holidays that you can take, look for the places you have been wanting to visit and just book. No fear of last minute skyrocketing prices and no fear of having to fret over leave from office.

 Save those 2 days casual leave that you get every month

Agreed there are days you just want to call in sick and lounge around at home with a cup of coffee. Take them. But collect these 2 days as much as you can and capitalize on them once every 4 months. This is over and above the extended weekends that you already have planned. Makes sense, right?

Some pennies saved are worth a Volvo ticket or a hostel bed for night

Save money by eating out less. That’s where my salary mostly goes. And to the Ola and Uber cabs. Sigh. I once fancied a champagne peep-toed Jimmy Choos but now I realize that one pair is equal to four trips to Himachal. Basically, prioritize what is important for you. Save up for long weekend trips and you won’t be disappointed.

There. Simple and doable, right? Now, don’t make an excuse. Make a plan.

First published here

Cover image via Shutterstock



About the Author

naina madan

A dreamer. A coffee lover. Singer, in bathroom and everywhere. A newbie traveler. read more...

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