3 Things My Most Unplanned Mountain Trip Taught Me

Sometimes, one needs to just take the plunge and do things. Here are 3 things my most unplanned mountain trip taught me.

Sometimes, one needs to just take the plunge and do things. Here are 3 things my most unplanned mountain trip taught me.

At crossroads in my life, I went for an unplanned mountain trip. A road trip for 8 days with 4 stopovers, right up to Kinnaur on the Tibetan border, was the first, most unplanned thing in my life. The only thing I knew was the meeting point. Everything else was unknown: Route, journey and the destination.

So this trip happened somewhere in June, around a month after I heard this inner voice that I wanted to follow and make some major career choices. I wanted to address the inner voice, choose a path but years of routine and disciplined life wouldn’t allow me to do so.

There comes a time when we want to invite new adventures and experiences but we are not sure we can handle them when they finally arrive and now with this trip and these voices in my head, it felt like it was stalking me!

I let the voice be and took the plunge to go for the trip. My feelings were on a roller-coaster ride. We had planned the route to be taken, but landed up taking the opposite route pretty much every day of the trip! So to cut the long story short, this was the final route we chose:

Kasauli – Sangla – Kalpa – Chitkul (Tibetan border)

(Check these out online when you get a chance to take your breath away)

Some trips are not just memories but like a little ‘lantern’ that show a tiny opening to a beautiful path that change the ‘why’ to why not’.

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So 3 things I learned that I would love to share.

Trust the flow

When I realized that on this trip, I have to just enjoy the ride, and make very few decisions because these places were unknown to me and I had very little to contribute, I just let go and it felt really light. It led to sleeping in the car and waking up to the most beautiful sunrise, pure vibes from the temple, and even to a gorgeous snow mountain view right outside my window and I felt nothing less than blessed. I learned, that to experience something beautiful, I have to sometimes let go of the control.



Feel more, think less

Feeling nature, breathing fresh air, tasting spring water was being one with nature. Sometimes we are so caught up in the rat race, that we don’t know what it is to just feel and not think of the day or of our future plans. When we feel, we cut the noises out and can actually hear the inner voice more clearly, which could lead to an inner fulfillment.



Being raw can be beautiful

While I had been to the mountains, I hadn’t witnessed those parts that are still raw and untouched. I experienced living with just the basic amenities and I was more than fine! Unpeeling layers to expose who one really is, has often been perceived to be scary, but now I consciously make those choices whenever I get a chance.


I came back not only refreshed but also charged with the power of just being. I invited my inner voice to lead the path that was unknown to me. It was the path to pursue my calling as a health and life coach.

My journey has just begun but the energy I try to constantly put into it is the mountain energy, which is fresh, raw and alive.

Sometimes when you are at a crossroad or find yourself in a conundrum, try not to fight it but take a step away from it in a world where you breathe fresh air, eat clean food, live light because it can bring clarity in the head.

After all, we are what we consume!

Eat. Breathe. Smile.

Image source: woman traveller on mountain by Shuttershock.


About the Author

Nipa Asharam

Few of my favorite things are to wake up to a beach, collect experiences around the world, and ‘google’ just about everything that makes me curious! Born and brought up in Mumbai, I got my read more...

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