[VIDEO] Aparna Raman Is Building A Business That Meets A Social Need

As an aspiring entrepreneur, ask yourself: Does my business truly fulfil a social need? Aparna Raman, the Founder of Timbuktoo Publishing, shares her entrepreneurial journey.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, ask yourself: Does my business truly fulfil a social need? Aparna Raman, the Founder of Timbuktoo Publishing, shares her entrepreneurial journey.

I first met Aparna Raman at a networking event, when she was just about to launch her business, Timbuktoo Publishing. She was excited about her idea, about publishing children’s writing – and yet, many ventures in such fields don’t see the light of day, let alone publish consistently. I was intrigued, but sceptical.

It turns out that I was right to be intrigued and wrong to be sceptical! What was then an idea, has since grown into a full-fledged business that not only publishes stories by kids, for kids, but meets a very important need for parents today: To get children reading, writing and in touch with the kernel of creativity that all children have inside them.

At the sidelines of our last all day session for entrepreneurs where we focused on raising and managing money for business growth, we interviewed Aparna on her novel business idea and how she has grown it.

For all of you who have recently turned entrepreneurs, or plan to, you will find two particularly inspiring thoughts in this video:

1.Businesses that meet a social need (and I interpret this as a deeply felt need by a large enough segment of society) will always find customers

2.It’s alright to be the first-mover; to enter into a space that no one else has seen the opportunity in yet. Sure, it is risky, but there are also rewards to being the first entrant.

Watch this short video to learn more for yourself!

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Aparna Raman & Timbuktoo Publishing will be organising a creative writing workshop for children at our upcoming Carnivale Familia, a one day event in Bangalore with workshops, activities & shopping for the whole family.

Get your pass and join us at Carnivale Familia to get a taste of how your child can explore his/her talents. Join us!



About the Author

Aparna Vedapuri Singh

Founder & Chief Editor of Women's Web, Aparna believes in the power of ideas and conversations to create change. She has been writing since she was ten. In another life, she used to be read more...

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