The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Looking Good

From cleaning out your wardrobe and eating right to getting inspired and setting personal goals, here's the lazy girl's guide to looking good!

From cleaning out your wardrobe and eating right to getting inspired and setting personal goals, here’s the lazy girl’s guide to looking good the holistic way!

If you are as lazy as I am as far as spending time and efforts in order to look good is concerned, then this post is for you!

I like to spend time on other things like reading, travelling and engaging in meaningful conversations rather than spending hours and lots of effort in looking good, although, like every other girl, looking good is important to me. It instantly makes you feel confident and good about yourself. As I read somewhere, “dress your best when meeting your enemy.” Not that I have a lot around! I love to read and I have many times stumbled (willingly and unwillingly) upon detailed, complicated and often expensive ways to make you feel good about your outer beauty. I am all in for the beautiful mind, heart and soul thing but a beautiful appearance won’t hurt anybody!

It starts with a healthy body and a healthy mind

If you don’t want to spend a lot on looking good, start from within. I personally believe that its more important to have a healthy body and peaceful mind, which eventually help in making you feel good about yourself in all ways. Stress has become a part of our lives these days but don’t over stress yourself. Exercise, yoga and meditation are good of course, as we all already know, but then we are here talking about lazy girls. So, start small. Start walking more and taking stairs. Better still, play an outdoor game with a kid or just tell him to run and try catching him. Trust me it will help you both mentally and physically. Talk to people who make you feel good about yourself. Most importantly, “choose your battles wisely.” There will be many annoying people around you who do and say irritating things all the time. You don’t have to respond to everything. Learn the art of ignoring. Your time and energy is precious, don’t waste it on them. Trust me, it will be good for your peace of mind.

Eat well and think positive

I feel it easier to eat healthy rather than layering my face with make-up. Good food and balanced diet helps you stay healthy and give you healthy skin and hair. When it’s beautiful naturally, you won’t need to spend hours layering your skin with make-up. Just little bit of make-up tricks will do the trick. Give your body and mind the rest they need and sleep for sufficient time. Incorporate more of fruits and veggies in your meals and cut on processed/packaged/junk foods. Drinks lots of water everyday. It will help in detoxing and will keep your body hydrated. Don’t stress yourself over trivial matters. Practice compassion and forgiveness and don’t let negative people dim your positivity. When you are calm and at peace with yourself, it reflects in your personality and the way you look.

Practice compassion and forgiveness and don’t let negative people dim your positivity. When you are calm and at peace with yourself, it reflects in your personality and the way you look.

Invest in stuff that you use almost daily

In addition to all above, a little bit of make-up  never hurts, but it’s no use buying those make up items you saw on TV commercials or saw online if you won’t really use them. There are some basic and easy to use make up items that instantly make you look better. For me it’s a simple BB cream, kajal, face powder and lip balm. Other than these, I rarely use other make up items except on special occasions or parties. I do sometimes like to use eyeliner, mascara, blush, eye shadow and lip colour but that’s really rare. So, to me it’s a waste to spend on these items. Buy only what you would actually use. If you want to try something new, first check reviews of things you want to buy, learn how to use them and then buy. You can do all this online and save some time and money.

Give your body and mind the rest they need and sleep for sufficient time. Incorporate more of fruits and veggies in your meals and cut on processed/packaged/junk foods.

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Do a wardrobe cleaning

I read that most of our clothes in the wardrobe don’t get worn as often as they should and it holds true for me. We girls have this habit of buying things on impulse and then regretting later or just throwing it in our pile of clothes. Do a good and elaborate cleaning of your wardrobe. Look for things that you have rarely worn. See if you can put them into some use or else give it to somebody who can. It will help you declutter the mess. If there is something that’s almost new, you can think of selling it or exchanging it with a friend or better still, donate them. Most of your wardrobe should consist of clothes that fit your lifestyle and daily routine. Invest in the kind of clothes that you wear most of the days. Your wardrobe will be less of a mess now, saving you time and effort.

Break the rules and do mix and match.

Some people can pull off almost anything they wear, even sweat pants! That’s because they know what will go with it and what won’t. You don’t always need to match everything that you wear. It just has to go with your over-all appearance. In fact, if everything is matching, it gets too boring. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Never forget to wear confidence when you step outside. When dressing casually, a pair of sunglasses and a hair-do that suits you can save a lot of time and effort on your part.

Get inspired

Unlike celebrities, we can’t always splurge, neither do we have personal stylists to help us out with every minor detail. But there is something that can help. Follow your favourite people on social media. There’s a lot to learn and get inspired from (including famous people and some not so much famous but ‘very much full of ideas’ fashion enthusiasts). You can definitely derive some inspiration from them. Better still, look for somebody with your body-type and follow them if you like. You don’t need to copy everything. Just look for ideas and use them in your own way.


Things may get pretty boring if you don’t break some rules! Simple gets boring sometimes. It’s time to experiment with various make-up tricks, fashion trends and colours. If you are in your twenties, you can do a lot of experimenting with your looks and get away with it easily (not that others can’t!) Get your hair colored with hues that you like, go for that bold pattern that caught your eye, try that new drape of saree you saw on a show. Start small, but do start. Read more on blogs and sites about what you would like to know and keep looking good with less effort.

Image via Shutterstock.


About the Author

Amandeep Kaur

I love reading, writing, traveling and learning. I want to experience more and more of diverse aspects of life. read more...

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