Communication : The Cornerstone of A Happy Marriage

Communication or the lack of it can either make or break a marriage. It takes understanding of one's partner's view for a relationship to work out well.

Communication or the lack of it can either make or break a marriage. It takes understanding of one’s partner’s view for a relationship to work out well.

A decent marriage flourishes with an open exchange of feeling, goals, and convictions. In fact, communication is a standout amongst the most imperative parts of a delightful marriage. Most of them experience harsh times in their marriage, and complain that they don’t communicate with each other anymore. In all likelihood, they intend to say that they don’t convey viably any longer. The fact of the matter is that individuals are conveying constantly. Indeed, even two individuals giving one another the silent treatment are corresponding with one another. Many times in troubled marriages, even a simple situation might have a different result.

Let’s take an example to illustrate how poor communication can change the whole picture.

Ravi and Priya are married for one year. Ravi is more rational and less emotional regarding decisions and discussions.

Ravi and Priya are married for one year. Ravi is more rational and less emotional regarding decisions and discussions, while Priya is more emotional and less logical. A simple conversation between them is as follows:

Ravi: “Why haven’t you paid the bills?”

Priya: “Look, who’s talking? As if you haven’t forgotten to pick up the groceries for two days from the supermarket.”

As you can see Priya has moved away from Ravi’s simple complaint about not paying the bills to a relatively broader issue of whose mistake poses higher dangers to the family (in a defensive mode).

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Ravi: “I am not saying anything about groceries, Priya. I am just asking you for the reason for not paying the bills.”

Now this discussion has gone to a completely different level. Ravi and Priya would hurt each other emotionally and start screaming and you can imagine the rest.

From the above conversation, it is clear that they both have different personalities. Here comes the existence of rational versus emotional thinking, and how important is for every couple to learn to balance their ways of thinking through effective communication in marriage.

As stated by a famous playwright, “Communication – the human connection is the key to personal and career success”.

During our first year of marriage, a lesson I learned was that men and women communicate differently.

During our first year of marriage, a lesson I learned was that men and women communicate differently. Silly fights in any relationship don’t occur because one person is ‘correct’ and the other is ‘wrong’. They usually occur because of things like minor disturbances partners cause each other, silly frustrations they take out on one another and so forth.

I have listed some pin pointers that may help you to improve communication in your marriage:

  1. Try to see the issue from your partner’s perspective. How might he/she best comprehend what you are attempting to communicate to them?
  2. Stop yelling at your partner. It doesn’t set the tone for better marriage communication.
  3. Develop a heart that wants to be a good listener.

Your relationship with your spouse may vary from this example, yet this much is true: Your partner is the single most important person you have in your life. Believe it or not, communication is a great tool that God has given us to tie our hearts and our brains together.

Cover image via Shutterstock


About the Author

Vineela Krishtipati

Me, Vineela Krishtipati, a full time dreamer and a part time blogger. Born as an Indian girl, with a big passion for life and love.I believe that the real glitz and glam is putting read more...

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