5 Bollywood Female Characters Perfect For A Startup Team

5 Bollywood Female Characters Perfect for a Startup Team

If you could have a dream team of Bollywood female characters as members of your startup, whom would you choose? Here’s my list! 

I’m a Bollywood buff. And a feminist. Ironic, right? Almost. So as I watched my Sunday afternoon Hindi movie with family, I couldn’t help but think, wow, that lady sure would suck at a start-up. And that brought me to reflect on the women characters who would make for a fantastic start-up team. Well, at least based on what I think and understand about startups after my own short journey.

1. Geet (Jab We Met)Dream fearlessly

Photo by Neha Puri.

Photo by Neha Singh


For all those who know me, know that I’m a huge fan of this character. Yes she is chatty, cute,vivacious and loud, but what would make her a brilliant entrepreneur is this – she is a dreamer, a believer in taking a chance at realizing her dreams  and is fearless in actually going for the kill. Businesses are built with dreams, hope and implementation. She represents all these and more. Someone who listened to her gut and followed her instinct, a quality that distinguishes entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs.  

2. Rani (Queen) –  Adapt and Embrace Change


Photo by Neha Puri

Photo by Neha Singh


Here is the protected, unambitious, unsure damsel in distress. Why would I choose her in my dream team? Well, let’s start with adaptability – Rani might be unsure, but she was willing to adapt with an open heart and an open mind. Her innocent honesty makes her so likeable (I can imagine her dealing with customers and totally nailing it!) and yet, as part of a team, she listened, adapted and moved out of her comfort zone.

Entrepreneurship is all about pushing your boundaries – you think you got it all planned and sorted? Be sure God has other plans and there will be days you say “this cannot be true!”, “what now!’ or “I cannot do this!” but still manage to soar ahead.

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3. Vidya (Kahaani)Plan and Execute Ruthlessly


Photo by Neha Puri

Photo by Neha Singh


This character had me bowled over from the word ‘go.’ Vidya, with a crystal clear mission and a well-thought out plan, probably rehearsed several times in her head, takes on every challenge, every risk to reach her goal. Her confidence and determination is fierce and almost contagious.

As an entrepreneur, she would make a charismatic, confident and motivational leader. With her practical and planned approach, she will find a way out in the toughest of times. She will keep the fire burning. Another important ingredient in my dream team – determination and the will to keep going.    

4. Shruti (Band Baaja Baraat)Stay Honest and Credible


Photo by Neha Puri

Photo by Neha Singh


Shruti is the quintessential entrepreneur – she knows what she’s going to do, understands her responsibilities, is practical about her plan and has a vision for her business. But for me that one quality which got her on my team – honesty. Her character wins my heart when she lets go of the ‘extra’ savings to build a credible ‘no cheating’ Shaadi Mubarak. That’s a precious quality right there – the one I would bank upon and build the foundation of the business upon. Probably this is a personal choice – what’s important to each of us – not so much a ‘must-have’ as an entrepreneur. I choose honesty – honesty with peers, honesty with employees and honesty with customers.

5. Ananya (2 States)Believe and Stay Unapologetic


Photo by Neha Puri

Photo by Neha Singh


So obviously Ananya is smart – she was at an IIM, remember? And that’s enough reason for most startups to want her on the team. Having said that, I would find a whole lot of smart people out there, but what draws me about her is the unapologetic attitude for being herself. Strong-headed and independent, she chooses to speak her mind to a prospective groom about dowry, without worrying  about her own chances of being accepted. She stands for her belief – not simply blinded in love – having the guts to leave when she feels cheated. Yes, Ananya would make a great startup founder member, for there is no substitute to building a business which stands for something valuable and uncompromising and stays unapologetic about it.

Have a startup female dream team of your own? Do let us know in the comments section below!

First published here.
Cover image courtesy Can India News



About the Author

Neha Singh

Entrepreneur. Learner. Doer. Feminist. Free-Spirit. Spiritual. Non Ritualistic. "It begins with you - and the actions you do" read more...

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