Travelling Solo : 6 Tips To Make It Worthwhile

If you are a woman travelling solo, here are 6 tips to make it worthwhile!

If you are a woman travelling solo, here are 6 tips to make it worthwhile!

There are times in life when you want to do something that the majority is not doing. It creates doubts in your mind if your thoughts are right or not. I learned this over a course of time that more often than not, no decision is completely right or wrong in itself. Time and the outcome of that decision judge the righteousness or wrongfulness of it. There would always be naysayers around. I am learning not to let such thoughts affect me. One shouldn’t stop for the mere reason that others don’t share same thoughts about a particular thing and you have to do it all by yourself.

This was exactly the feeling I experienced when I decided to make my first solo trip. I love travelling and love when it pushes me out of my comfort zone and makes me feel more alive. I don’t have many people in my life who feel the same way. So I had been postponing my plans for a long time and frequently for the same lame reason until I felt that I could not do it anymore. I decided to take this plunge, listen to my heart and go solo. Soon I realized that it’s just the start that’s tough; later on, all falls into its place.

I had been reading a lot about travel and blogs by the solo travelers (especially women solo travelers). I always thought that it’s a great and admirable thing to do but I never thought I would be doing that someday. And then I found myself on a journey all by myself to Rishikesh. I had read somewhere, ‘’Never say never!’’ I had my moment of ‘cosmos conspiring to help me achieve exactly what I wanted.’ I can say that this trip is one of the best things that happened to me in my life and I am happy I followed my heart and gut.

Here are a few tips and lessons from my first solo travel that I would like to share with you.

Try convincing people who are really important to you

It gets easier when your family and other important people in your life are okay with you travelling on your own. Show them that you are responsible, independent and capable of doing it. Plan everything responsibly and share the details with them.

Find a suitable place

Search for a place that suits you. As it’s your first solo journey, look for a place that’s not far away and is frequented by tourists. You can search online and find a place as per your interests. If you have some family friends/ relatives living nearby such place, it would make you feel safe. You don’t need to visit them or stay with them. Just keep their contacts handy, in case you need any help.

Plan well in advance

You need to be sure about your plans. Get travel and stay reservations done well in advance in order to avoid any last minute hassles and panicking. Look for a homely place to stay. It could be a homestay or you can find many such other options at travel websites and blogs. Read reviews by other travelers and then decide.

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Don’t feed your fears

The most difficult part of solo travel for me was to sleep alone at an unfamiliar place. I was almost sure that sleep won’t come easy considering the all negative news we keep hearing and reading about regarding crimes against women. But then I decided to stop feeding my fears with negative thoughts.

The world is not filled with jerks only, there are good people around too. It’s good to be cautious and keep your guard on but don’t let it stop you from having a good time.

Try something new

I used to believe that sports is not my cup of tea at all. But during this trip, I had my first experience of Flying Fox adventure sport. It may not be a big deal for others but to me it was. We underestimate our capabilities a lot. I just pushed myself a bit out of my comfort zone and I saw myself flying! (both literally and symbolically) You won’t really know what you like or don’t until you give it a try. Give it one chance at least.

Make the most and the best of this time

As you are travelling alone, all decisions are yours only. You don’t need to discuss with anybody or seek prior permission for something. So do all that you have been waiting to do but never got time for. Read, draw, write, listen to the music, dance, go for a walk, meditate, have a conversation with yourself. Pamper and spoil yourself a little. All the time, we just keep listening to the voices around us. It’s during such solitude that you start hearing the voice within. That was the time I decided to write more, read more, travel more.

I believe that everybody has a character appearance in the stories of others’ lives but it’s your own story that you are the Hero(ine) of. Do justice to your role and give it your best shot. I am that kind of person who has always been afraid of falling and making mistakes, but off late I realized that it really doesn’t matter. It’s more important to be happy, take chances and live a little more.

Solo travel by a woman image Shutterstock


About the Author

Amandeep Kaur

I love reading, writing, traveling and learning. I want to experience more and more of diverse aspects of life. read more...

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