Equal or Better- Choice is Yours!

Anybody who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without the feminine ferment.Karl Marx

Yet, Women fought long and hard for basic rights. The right to vote, the right to drive, the right to work after marriage, the right to be seen as more than the property of men, the right to voice out their opinion. They have been kidnapped and trafficked. They have been denied education, property ownership, equal pay. One out of every five women has been raped. One out of four has been beaten by her romantic partner.

And yet…

Women are amazing because they never quit.
Women haven’t quit providing two-thirds of the world’s unpaid labor. Women haven’t quit giving birth to the world’s next generation.
Women haven’t quit advocating for equality, freedom, opportunity and dignity.
Women haven’t quit changing our world for the better.

Yes women have come a long way – NO I do not need a condescending pat on the head to remind me.

Let’s not aim just for ‘better’. Let’s aim for ‘equal’. Let’s aim for ‘fair’. We, women, should be free to choose what we wanna do/be/go/marry/love.


Alarming signs:

  • Gender pay gap

There is still a substantial difference between male and female employees.

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  • Bold leadership

Only five percent (5%) of S&P 500 companies have female CEOs, And it’s not much better at other leadership levels. Only 11% of top corporate earners are female, 21% of board members are women, and women only account for 26.5% of executive roles.

  • Women’s education is lower than men’s

Parents in certain countries still only push for sons to be educated but neglect their daughters’ ambitions. Don’t look that far, this could be happening right next to you.

  • Violence against women is still high

The #MeToo movement finally gave a voice to women on the abuse and harassment they suffer)

  • Victim blaming still exists
    Whether it’s for molestation, eve teasing or rape, skirts is too short, misguiding look, women are still blamed for instilling some sort of animal instinct in men.


Here, I’m also talking about the male-dominated idea that women should all be girly-pinky-silly. Cultural change is impossible without support. And What do you mean by “support”? Support in this instance means encouragement from both men and women that we can work together to accomplish big things.

The idea is neither to let down the achievements made by men nor overrating the feminine accomplishments,
the basic ideology is to create a more balanced world where both the genders can work together in a similar work environment taking inspirations from each other’s work and capabilities.

Till then women all around the world need to continue the vocal fight for equality. The road is still long, but we can do this.

We have flaws. We have shortcomings. But still we’re fighting. We’re still speaking. We’re choosing to see the strength in the women standing beside us, behind us, in front of us. We’re choosing to give those positive qualities precedence. We’re choosing not to be defeated. As a Woman, we have to juggle priorities and responsibilities, but these situations help us to grow stronger.

To all the beautiful strong women out there…don’t think you have to go it alone.
Seek support – networking with other women and men. We must be brave to express our needs.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-Eleonor Roosvelt

#InternationWomensDay #InspireInclusion #InvestInWomen #WomensDay



About the Author

Anushree Dash

Gender Equality Advocate, TEDx Speaker, Social Reformer, Sociopreneur, Human Rights Activist, Pad woman of Odisha , Writer, Motivational Speaker, Art connoisseur... An impenitent, non-conformist, adventurous, boho soul and an admirer of life. Loves my Indian read more...

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