3 Best Books On Becoming Rich For Women Who Want It All!

Do you want to read books on becoming rich for women? These 3 books gives you the nitty-gritty of becoming a wealthy woman!

Do you dream of becoming rich? If so, you are in good company! Countless people have the same desire. And while there is no one guaranteed path to riches, there are certain steps you can take to greatly increase your chances of achieving wealth. These books on becoming rich for women need to be in your TBR!

One of the best things you can do is read books about money. However, most existing books on this topic are written for men – and may not provide the most useful information for women.

To help you navigate the wealth-building landscape, I have compiled a list of the three best books on becoming rich for women.

Making more money is about having the right mindset rather than your educational background or having a great product. I can attest to how good the following books are because I have used them to become financially independent and achieve my own goals.

If you want to create wealth and build the mindset and habits that support your dreams, then be sure to read the following.

Overcoming Under Earning by Barbara Stanny

overcoming under earning- books for women

I think that this book is the work of a genius. Full of brilliant insights, quotes, and practical exercises, “Overcoming Under Earning” is a must-read for any woman looking to build wealth.

When I read this book, I was in debt and making a measly salary despite being in my thirties. I spent several years being a SAHM and trying to make money through part-time work. As a result, when I joined the workforce, I had no experience and plenty of debt.

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This book helped me face my debt, sit with my crippling beliefs about money and shift how I see money and my role in creating it.

The most empowering thing I learned from this book is that however bad, trapped or disempowered we feel financial, an equal proportion of wealth and freedom awaits on the other side of such negative feelings.

We just need to push through our self-doubts and keep going.

Women Don’t Ask by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever

women don't ask- novels for women

This book is excellent for women who prefer to work in a corporate setting and want to rise to the corporate ladder.

I read Women Don’t Ask because I wanted to learn negotiation tactics created for women by women.

While this book is based on academic research and can be a bit dry, the content is deeply paradigm-shifting and empowering. Here are some critical points that can change how you see the world:

  • Women consistently undervalue and undersell themselves when compared to men.
  • Women believe that there is a small and limited ‘pie’ that is- money. And if they ask for a bigger slice, other people get less. Men are not constricted by such a belief. The ‘pie’ is not a fixed thing, and women need to realize that they can ask for more money, more holidays, and more benefits.
  • Men are proactive and upfront about wanting a higher raise and getting promotions. Women wait to get a promotion and appreciation. As a result, simply because women don’t ask, they don’t get higher pay, benefits, and better roles.

This book on becoming rich for women is supported by several studies and can provide shocking insights into how much less money women make compared to men. It also reveals that women lose significant sums of money when added up over time.

While it’s a tough read for many, it’s eye-opening and can transform your career.

Becoming Rich by Genevieve Davis

becoming rich- entrepreneurial books for women

I recommend this book for women who rely on the power of their energies and the law of attraction to manifest money.

This is not just another book that tells you to visualize having more money and waiting for it to appear.

Instead, it compels you to examine the beliefs that are holding you back from creating wealth. You shouldn’t just think and want to become rich. You have to become rich from within, that is, by shifting your beliefs, thoughts, and actions around money.

You have to stop being afraid when you spend or are desperate to see a huge sum of money in your bank account. Think about this, do rich people wake up and feel surprised that they have a lot of wealth? No. For them, it’s a normal state of being. And that’s the mindset this book tries to teach you – approach wealth as something possible and even normal.

One exercise that I followed from this book was to put a small sum of money into four different uses every month. These included retirement savings, charity, fun money, and investments.

Learning how to be responsible with the money you do have is the key to showing the universe that you’re ready to handle more. Do read this book if you want to uncover the nuances of the law of attraction you haven’t heard before.


There you have it – the 3 best books on becoming rich for women. These books will help shift your mindset, uncover your money blocks, and give you actionable steps to take to start building wealth.

However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that it’ll be easy from now on. You still have to build your skills, market yourself, and put in the hours.

But with these books as your guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating wealth and financial freedom.

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About the Author

Debashri Mishel

I'm the creator of www.dmdutta.com, a content marketing and thought leadership website. I'm also a single mother, marketer, and writer. read more...

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