When Would You Call Yourself Successful?

For me, success is being satisfied. I am happy where I am. That does not mean I do not want to grow but that I am in no rush for that growth.


I would like to start by asking you a question, “When would you call yourself successful?”

This question could have different answers for different people. In my day-to-day life, I get to talk to a lot of people who are constantly struggling to grow and to reach a particular somewhere. The hustle is real, it’s all around us, but where is the calm?

People talk about work-life balance but is real success hidden in the true balance? Or is success a measure of your bank balance?  Do you think your friends enjoying a luxurious holiday are successful? Do you aim to reach where your boss is? If you run a business, is success a profit or a turnover? If you are in a job, is success a designation or a pay scale?

Each of us could have our definition of success but it is important to find this answer. To know when you can stop running and enjoy what you have achieved. To know when it is finally okay to say I am satisfied with my journey. Each of us should think about this and write it down somewhere. Look at that every morning and when we hit that target accept it. Accept to leave the race, accept to take a break and pause to enjoy the success.

For me, success is being satisfied. I am happy where I am. That does not mean I do not want to grow but that I am in no rush for that growth. I have come to a stage where I can enjoy what I have achieved, my brand is still young, and still needs to grow a lot but that has nothing to do with my success. I refuse to hustle; I refuse to run.

Image Credits: Ian Stauffer on Unsplash 

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Navya Agarwal

Mother | Product Designer | Founder - IVEI | Student read more...

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