We Need Each Other

Give me your hand and help me stand up because we are all in this together, always have been! Can't you see?


They told me to lower my voice,

Don’t speak unless you’re spoken to,

Don’t sit with your legs like that,

Don’t wear those clothes, are you mad?

They told him to stop crying like a girl,

Stand tall, be a man.

Don’t show your emotions,

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If you feel anything, push it down.

They asked them how dare they love someone they’re not supposed to?

How dare you tell me that you’re not like everyone else?

Stop being delusional, it’s just a phase.

I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.

Since when did being honest feel like a mistake?

Since when did being open feel like a crime?

Since when did being vulnerable feel like an offence?

Since when did having opinions feel like a sin?

I have a voice, and I am screaming.

My head is not underwater, but you can’t hear me.

Stop telling me that I don’t matter because I do.

Stop telling me to change just because I’m different from you.

You’re threatened by me, I can feel it in my bones.

But how will you survive if you don’t let me grow?

Don’t you understand that I am your salvation?

That because we aren’t the same means we can be equal?

Why can’t you see that we need each other?

That we cannot live without one another.

So, give me your hand and help me stand up,

We are all in this together.

So, let’s raise our voices and fight for what’s right,

Equality for all, nothing less, no compromise.

A future where we can express our opinions and feelings,

A world where being human is the only thing that matters.

Image Credits: Anna Shvets | Pexels 

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