The Power Within Her…

When she looked within herself for strength, she couldn’t find courage, “I cannot” she said at length, Her journey to self-discovery...

His absence, the crux that made her fall,
Her broken heart, yet her lifeless soul stood tall.

When she looked within herself for strength,
She couldn’t find courage, “I cannot” she said at length.

With lowered eyes she bid adieu,
The dreams she had built could not come true.

Her stare pierced into the sky with a sigh,
As a kite drank the wind and danced into the sky.

Then suddenly a thought struck her like thunder,
The Power of air, even though not visible was within her.

Why can’t I begin my flight with all my might?
She said, even if I fall will not lose my sight.

The choice she made unleashed the power within,
Her journey to self-discovery was determined to begin.

Image Source: LiudmylaSupynska from Getty Images, Canva Pro

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