5 Signs You Are In The Wrong Relationship

Love and dating can bring immense happiness in your life. At the same time it can also be a cause of suffering, depression, and sorrow.

Life without love, dating, and relationships seems meaningless and monotonous. Relationships form a core of an individual’s life. A good, strong relationship can take one to new heights whereas a toxic relationship can spell doom.

When we are in a romantic relationship there are times when we get blinded by the idea of love and romance. We fail to see the red flags and keep hurting ourselves in the process.

So what are those 5 signs which one should look for if one finds oneself in a messy relationship?

If your partner doesn’t respect you

Respect and dignity are very crucial in any relationship. Never let anyone play with your dignity.

Each one of us is a unique being in this world. We all deserve respect irrespective of our careers (or lack of one) and social standing in society. Your partner should respect you for being a human being. Any bond without mutual respect is not worth spending time and energy upon.

If your partner asks you to change yourself for him/her

Believe me you are perfect, the best version of yourself. You may have faults here and there. Who doesn’t have? But you needn’t change yourself to become likeable.

If you are with the right person he/she will fall in love with you and embrace you with all your weaknesses and shortcomings. If there is someone who time and again tells you to be someone else, please call it quits.

If your partner wants to know everything about you but never shares their life with you

There are people in this world who want to know each and every detail about your life, but never share their thoughts and feelings. Beware of such snakes.

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You might be a very emotional person and such people might manipulate you to make their vested ends meet in the name of love.

If your partner forces you to have sex with them

Sex is a very personal choice. No one in this world has any right over your body except you. You are the owner of your body, your soul resides there.

Being in any kind of relationship doesn’t mean allowing someone to do anything with you when you don’t want to. Love doesn’t mean being forced in bed. Immediately leave a person who wants to be with you for your body and nothing else.

If your partner is never there for you when you need them

Love and relationships have sum and substance when two people madly in love can live and grow together, supporting each other.

We all are social animals. No matter how strong we are, there are moments when we falter, when we need a loving embrace, a passionate kiss, a boost to carry on in life. Any person who doesn’t support you in your bad times is not one worth loving.

Love and dating can bring immense happiness in your life. At the same time it can also be a cause of suffering, depression, and sorrow. If you are someone who is dating a wrong person it’s time you move on.

Image source: a still from the film Kabir Singh

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