3 Things This Pandemic Has Taught Us

The lessons this pandemic has taught the world are very important lessons which we need to inculcate in our lives forever.

The lessons this pandemic has taught the world are very important lessons which we need to inculcate in our lives forever.

Early in March 2020, I was awakened to the news that the dream home we were bidding for was ours! My husband was on cloud 9 and over the next couple of weeks, we were busy packing and gearing up to moving to our new shack.

It was the morning of March 15th  when we moved and had our first meal in our new home that when the news came in, that shelter in place was announced from March 16 as the Global Pandemic was making its way throughout the world and it was about to change the way we lead our lives.

We were nervous as to what’s going to unfold and there were mixed emotions as thoughts raced through our minds. Will the markets crash? Did we do the right thing by buying a house in these uncertain times? Questions were many but we had no certain answers.

Then came the pandemic cloud. The lessons this pandemic has taught the world are very important lessons which we need to inculcate in our lives forever.

Amongst all the lessons the three most important things I would like to chart it down here are as the following – 


First and foremost I can think of is health.Being a physical therapist, I  feel that health is the most underrated wealth. The new generation is one of the most confused generations about what to eat and how to exercise.

I feel a healthy lifestyle should be a compulsory subject in school so that it’s embedded in our lifestyle like any other subject for example physics. Just like physics and its laws are very important in the future of a child so is a healthy lifestyle. 

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Healthy lifestyle doesn’t always mean weight loss or getting into some size. The whole meaning of being healthy is fitness and being able to do the daily chores without getting lethargic. 


Gratitude is a blissful feeling which when practiced can give a person immense happiness. “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”- Robert Brault .

I remember one day during the lockdown I was having a  bad day as the cycle of cooking, cleaning, doing dishes etc never paused. That day I felt that my situation in life is worse and I’m just stuck at home doing nothing productive but later that evening my daughter who was then  2 ½ old told me “Amma I love you” and when I cooked food she even told “Thank you Amma”.

That second I realised that being thankful and grateful for what we have is the key to be content and happy. Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. 

Family and friends

Family and Friends : It’s very easy and simple to say I have a great family and great friends circle but having the same and keeping the same takes some kind of effort. This pandemic has also shown us the true meaning family and friends and who really matter to us.

These both categorically give the utmost happiness and peace yet again true colors were very evident during this time. I personally have lost a lot of friends and at the same time gained some precious friendships during lockdown.

If you have friends like family then you don’t have to ask for more. It’s the family who are there in need and its friendship which turns to you when in need.

I wish we all take a pause, sit and take a deep breath and realise that getting healthy is the way of life. Being thankful is the way to get happy inside out. Family and friends are the small happy world you have in the world outside with chaos.

Picture Credits : Unsplash 

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