If You Believe You Have A Dream, Here Are 7 Ways To Achieve It!

Everyone has a dream inside them. You know you have a dream and that you have talents to achieve it. Here are a few tips to help you!

Everyone has a dream inside them. You know you have a dream and that you have talents to achieve it. Here are a few tips to help you!

Martin Luther King Jr said, “I have a dream, not I have a goal or I have a strategic plan.”

I, too, have a dream and I believe everything starts with a dream. Life without dreams no life at all. Sometimes what you truly want may come as a complete surprise to you.

I had a lot of dreams in my childhood but as I grew up, I thought all of them vanished. And started I believing I couldn’t achieve any of them. I started living the same routine life. Wake up, go to work come back home, sleep.

I am sure most of the people’s lives go the same way. But the truth is hidden deep inside you – you know you have a dream and that you have talents to achieve them. You know you have the spark in you! Then what is that stops you?

What is your dream?

When I had the same questions, I wanted to know what my dream was and if there was a way to achieve these dreams. I wondered why I was stuck where I was today and if I should move forward or stay where I am. Thoughts like, what if I fail and lose all my relationships, what if my family doesn’t support me, filled my head.

So I changed the way I asked myself the questions – What if I succeeded after daring to take that one step? What if it helped my relationships flourish? If taking the first step made me the biggest pillar for my family? What if I created a legacy and inspired others with my story? This helped me believe that life will be an amazing journey.

Whatever happened to you everything has happened for you.Whoever you are today is because of all you past failures and learning. The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Life is fun with all these. Take the problem as a puzzle and figure out the way to solve it.

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These are the things that helped me become who I am today, and I wanted to write them here as it might help you as well. There is a hidden treasure in you, but you are not aware of it.It’s time to dig deep within yourself.

Find your dream

Trust me you have a dream and you also have everything it takes to accomplish the dream. All you need to is have some clarity on that. And you just need to figure out the ways to achieve it.

Write it down Do not trust your memory. Make a journal. Take a beautiful diary and start writing everything that comes to your mind. Try not to have any limitations. Don’t think of how to achieve them. Your job is to know what are your dreams.

Some times, something you just read clicks something in your mind. Life whispers to you all the time – Pay attention to it. Do not get into logical thinking. Make a list, do not count, keep writing.

Shout your dreams. Who cares what others think, it is your dream and you are going to make it happen. So start telling it. Many people will not speak of it, because they know if they do so,  they will have to work on it and achieve it. Start speaking about your dream anywhere with anyone. Take action.

Imagine your dream. English poet William Blake reminds us: ‘what is now proved was once only imagined.’ See your dream before you achieve it. Live in your dream.

Be obedient to the call of the dream. Slew of other things. Get it out! Write it, clarify it, Speak it, Refine it and act on it.

Set a Dream big enough that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth becoming – Jim Rohn

Believe in yourself

You don’t get what you hope for, you don’t get what you want. But you only get what you believe in. So much of wanting is all about living in the space of what you don’t have.

Strike all your past beliefs. Maybe your Parents, friends, relatives, co-workers would’ve created some sort of belief that it’s not possible to fulfil your dreams. Strike that out completely.

It’s your life you got to decide what you want to be, not others. Work on your beliefs. Your belief either empower or impede you.

Find your weaknesses

By now you know you have some strengths and skills that’s why you have reached where you are. But you do not want to get stuck in the same place, do you? You want to see all the way new life. So, you will have to know what your weakness are and bring it on to the surface. Don’t hesitate to know your weakness. And if you don’t know them, you cannot work on them, you cannot change as a person.

Practice hard

You have to practice who you want to be. And you have to practice hard! Work harder on yourself than you do on your job or your business. You are the masterpiece of the master creator.

So, you will have to bring out all the hidden talents. When you change, everything will change for you. Empower yourself. Something better is always possible if you are willing to work for it and fight for it.

Stay away from naysayers

No matter what you do, how good you are, there will be always someone who doesn’t like it. There will always be someone who criticises you and laughs at you.They will hate you, try to shake you &break you. How strong you stand is what makes you.

Let others lead small lives, but not you. And let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let other’s leave their future in some one else’s hands, but not you. Jim Rohn

Create your tribe

You need to associate with the people who are exactly like you, and think like you. Reach for partners that make you better. Do not bring people in your life who way you down. Trust your instincts. Help each other. This leaves you in a completely positive environment. It creates the fun. The power of a group is so much greater than the power of an individual.

Brand your values

Luxury brands don’t change their prices to meet their customer budgets. They find customers to meet their prices. Because they created value in their brand and people see that value.

You need to become like that with your values. Your values, visions and life experiences that make you who you are. Work on your value system and your culture. You must have integrity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. People value you. They respect you. They honour your words. Create your brand. Stay humble.

When you know your dream, you will surrender yourself to it.’

The space between where you are and where you want to be is often the thing that frightens you more. Put your habit on the right stuff, not on teaching yourself to be smaller than you are.

You can get everything in life you want If you just help enough other people get what they want – Zig Ziglar

Having a dream is what makes you alive. So never stop dreaming!

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author


I am a dreamer ,strong Believer.I always use my talents and skills for the best .I aspire to become my highest truest expression of myself read more...

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