As A 75 Yr Old Grandmother, Golden Memories Of My 3 Grandchildren Make Me Very Happy

During this lock down and high stress environment, the memories of my grandchildren has kept me happy and hopeful. Children bring joy to everyone around them and we have a lot to learn from their innocent antics.

During this lock down and high stress environment, the memories of my grandchildren has kept me happy and hopeful. Children bring joy to everyone around them and we have a lot to learn from their innocent antics.

Hello friends!

I am Lalitha, a 75 year young grandmother to three adorable grandchildren. These days, reminiscing about the wonderful times I’ve spent with my grandchildren is a regular pastime for me. My husband and I have fond memories of my grandchildren spending their summer holidays with us.

With the arrival of summer, hectic planning and preparations would begin at home. I would start thinking of the goodies to make, juices to prepare, games to play and stories to narrate.

A few days ago, I was watching a video of my sister’s two year old granddaughter, who was sitting on the kitchen counter swinging her legs and her tiny hands rolling chapatis for her 9 toy kids. Oh how blessed I am! I am proud to be a great grandmother!! Soon, I saw her feeding them with great love and then putting them on a soft mattress and then she sings a lullaby to put them to sleep. Soon the little angel too is fast asleep. Oh, what motherly love! I was smiling to myself.

The little girl’s antics took me back to the time when my adorable grandchildren spent their summer holidays with me. I could vividly recall the joyful moments spent with them, their unending chatter, the games played, evenings spent in the lawn, lunch and dinner hours and of course their favorite bedtime stories.

I close my eyes, and I see myself making my grandchildren’s favorite dishes, their innocent harmless fights, pushing and pulling each other, so that they get a good glimpse of what is being made! Soon their favorite goodies are ready to be served. They would willingly help me in serving their grandfather and moms with plates filled with their goodies. It’s snack time folks!

I’d sit down with a contented smile to see the three angels enjoying every bit of the dish I had prepared;one would be licking the fingers, another peeping into his cousin’s plate to see if she has been served more than him, and another thoroughly enjoying every bit of my cooking. What more can a grandmother want? She has her entire family by her side and relishing her cooking and appreciating her cooking skills.

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Another sweet memory that comes to my mind is the indoor games we would play. The entire house would be filled with laughter and not to forget the mess we would create. But this was a mess I loved to clean! Soon it would be bedtime..mattresses would be spread, soft satin- cloth covered pillows neatly placed for the grandma and her grandchildren. Now time for their bedtime stories. Each one had his or her favorite story to listen to. Mind you, I had to be very creative as the stories had to be never ending!

Story over, they would say “Good night, Sweet dreams” and would sleep ,only to wake up to yet another day filled with unending chatter, laughter, pranks and their silly fights. I’ll cherish these sweet moments forever.

We as elders , always admonish children and tell them to learn from elders. However, I feel, we as elders have a lot to learn from these innocent souls. Their love and care for their parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, didis who help at home, and animals melts my heart. I feel overwhelmed when they call me “Pati” and hug me tightly. Their give and take attitude, forgiving nature, and pure heart with unadulterated love is an eye opener for all of us.

Readers ! I wanted to write a small write-up, but looks like I have ended up writing a short story! However, I am sure while reading this article, many grandmas like me will recall the beautiful times they’ve shared with their grandchildren.

Image Credits: Canva, Pixabay


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