Some Important COVID-19 Lessons Learnt

What are some of the important life lessons we have learnt since the beginning of the lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic?

What are some of the important life lessons we have learnt since the beginning of the lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic?

I often browse through old pictures, sometimes to realize how far one has come, what all one has achieved, what all we have missed and what still remains to be explored?

Life in itself is like cinema playing parts in reels and bringing new episodes, new challenges. We, as actors, heroes, side actors, and villains dance with our egos, dance with anger, dance without realizing that we are a mere speck in this whole scheme of things, forgetting that we are dancing to the tunes of the greatest spiritual power or whatever we might call it! As he is the one holding our threads & pulling it too!

COVID-19: A reminder?

COVID-19 is the tiniest yet the most disastrously powerful virus. It has shown the human race its true power and status. By the time anyone can come to terms with this viciously vindictive virus, it will be about time, and then, the game is over!

Today the rich, the poor and people of all religions are in its grip. Suddenly it has made us realize as how we have extended webs of complications in our lives and we have come down to basics. Probably, in our busy lives we had forgotten to listen to the chirping of birds, we had forgotten to feel the breeze, we had forgotten to appreciate beauty all around us. We probably took everything for granted!

Somehow, somewhere it got lost in the loud noise of concrete city life, as our lives and emotions become increasingly almost mechanized. Somewhere, our victories stayed wrapped in cheating and hurting the meek and gentle.

Yes, we all are opportunists in a big way, throwing away the burden of overwhelming emotions and negativity on beings that could bear it to the greatest possible extent. Even “Mother Nature” despite being a ‘mother’ is running out of patience and has a limit; she has to give it back, and  sometimes, reclaim its space with a silent vengeance.

As for me, I’m pondering upon life, introspecting, resettling my priorities and just hoping to be in a little house on a hill, surrounded with pine & deodar, and learning and writing. I hope this is where the light filters through the windows and trees swirl with the breeze passing by and birds frolic nearby a clear stream. This is truly a wish to be simple, to remain in zeal ,to be one with Mother Nature!

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What we should learn

Surely, this lock down has taught many to care and to pray for each other’s safety. Our faith in the supreme being has been reaffirmed as we look back at our mistakes with a fresh perspective and start to have a healthy respect for every living being. 

It has surely been a soul searching experience for many, where the craving to breathe in fresh air and meet our loved ones who are miles apart has increased manifold! 

Now nature is reclaiming its space and this lock down  has made many families come together and give way to human emotions which had been burdened under a mechanized way of life. 

As I said, we are truly back to basics. 

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About the Author

Nandini Priyadarshini

A passionate advocate of women's rights.

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