Celebrating Sisterhood.

It’s time that we women work together to show our sisterhood to help each other and come out of our insecurity and become each others strength.

It’s time that we women work together to show our sisterhood to help each other and come out of our insecurity and become each others strength.

During the lock down period, I have been observing  people more …(even though there are less people on the road and of course from my balcony)..Actually, I am a shy, introvert person lacking social skills who doesn’t really talk much to people or make observations..

But this lock down period  showed me the little things which I missed to see during the normal times..

There are group of houses just opposite to my house  and to mention, I dont have any other sight to see apart from this…

I was actually amazed to see how the women of those houses helped each other in tough times …

There is a women who cannot speak or hear and just lost her husband last year… Her children are little far away from her ..(of course these are my observations and haven’t really spoken to them). One day I saw, she and  one of her neighbor women were sitting in their so called small terrace and chatting,  laughing  and preparing fritters(In India, people prepare these in summer). The disabled women was speaking in the sign language and I could see so much happiness in her eyes…is it not the real sharing during tough times… ?

Another nearby building had a differently abled women (with a slight limp) shared almost everything with another women in the neighbor. They are there for each other almost every minute during the tough times…

I wonder ,did this lock down made them to share or they do this all the time?

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When we, middle class people are stuck at home worrying about the future and many other things, these people are enjoying all the things they have today…

And How can I forget the vegetable selling women near my house who is so confident ,daring all the times ..even during these tough times, she goes to market to get the vegetables, handles all the men around her and what not… how did she get so much courage… I wonder if I can ever do that…

Garbage collecting women can never be the least, as they are working hard in these days to earn their living and my Goodness, how strong are they? They fearlessly fight with anyone who comes their way..(May be their hardships in life has made them tough too)…They fight  each day for survival…

I have heard, that they usually get married when they are just 18 or even less and have children at a very young age… I believe they think that is the greatest achievement in women’s life… all my house helps were younger than me but almost had grown up children… I wonder if they had ever dreamed of doing something else in life…

What would have happened if these women were given a proper education and exposure or were born into financially stable families?  I am sure they have the greatest potential to reach the top of the world… But unfortunately they don’t realize the importance of education or they are not properly informed or supported…

But we educated women, irrespective of having so much education have we really got the freedom of expression, thoughts and decisions? Of course family is all about taking decisions together but  many times, we rely upon the man of the family to make many decisions for us…

Along with the formal education, it becomes very important to provide our women with life skills, decision making skills…

It’s time that we women work together to show our sisterhood to help each other and come out of our insecurity and become each others strength.

This is the lesson which I learnt from those under privileged women celebrating the sisterhood in their own way.

Kudos to these.

Image Credits: Pixabay


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